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Mirena IUD can harm you for life.

The list of complaints grow daily on  ,,, and hundreds of other side effects sites, it like a never ending story. The complaints range from never ending bleeding to having the iud trapped somewhere in the body . If an iud perforates the uterus no doctor will want to touch it not even the insertion doctor,so think twice before you get Mirena inserted.

 Mirena IUD may lead to Vaginal odour, auto immune diseases, breast cancer, uterine cancer, joint pain , athritis, and high blood pressure,heart palpitations, hair loss,depression,suicidal thoughts,thyroid problems.



Mirena Side Effects, Symptoms, Pain



Mirena Side Effects Support Forum
Mirena IUD Adverse Reactions Reporting Forum, Birth Control, Support, Levonorgestrel IUD Side Effects
   4,995,383 page views     16,036 messages     3,513 topics     117 pages

Please Write a note to these guys......

I just e-mailed them. I think they are a potentially good group that may be able to act as advocates for us. PLEASE send them a letter. The more of us that contact them-the more likely they will take notice. We need to put a stop to this....I can research all I want, but all I get are more questions-We need someone to pay attention to us!

From mamaj, curezone forum.


I am 29 and had the Mirena put in 6 weeks after having baby #2. ...

Read all Mirena side effects

Posted at 12: 9 PM on Oct 15, 2009 by kelliportland

I am 29 and had the Mirena put in 6 weeks after having baby #2. I thought it was a great idea and my OB said "NO SIDE EFFECTS". I have been bleeding heavily since it was inserted, cramps, sharp pains in my uterus area, bloating and headaches at night. I don't know if this is their form of birth control, but if your bleeding everyday you can't have sex! I run 3 miles five times a week and was losing weight steadily, until I had the Mirena put in. I watch what I eat obsessively and I am gaining weight! I am emotional all the time and find myself losing my patience with my kids and my husband all the time. I am getting it taken out today! I'll update how it went and the side effects going away. I would rather deal with another pregnancy than go through this. Follow your gut feelings - the Mirena won't work for everyone and obviously there are quite a few of us!


Pasted from <>

Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm Losing My Hair. Is My Mirena to Blame?

It's typical to lose your hair after you have a baby. It happened with TD and then again with The Comedian. It's also typical to see your doctor for birth control options post-baby if you are not willing to get knocked up again.

When I encountered the Mirena IUD it seemed like the perfect option. One quick doctor visit and I was good to go for the next five years. If I wanted more kids in that time I could have it removed. I read all the brochures, did some research and talked to friends who had used Mirena as well. It was my golden ticket to no thought birth control. Yippie Skippy!

That was until I started losing my hair. I didn't pay much attention to all the hair collecting in my brush, shower, comb and sink. At first. I did notice that I was cleaning them all out quicker than before. My hamster on a wheel brain pushed it aside. There were stubby pieces of hair that stuck out and refused to be tamed too. I didn't know it was from re-growth (a good sign) because I had lost that whole section of hair. Maybe it was from coloring my hair myself? More recently I thought-maybe it was from the
grilling accident of 2009 ? When I went to my hair stylist this past week she seemed concerned.

"Is everything OK?" She asked as she combed out my just washed hair. I nodded yes. "Are you sure? Are you feeling OK? Stressed? Not sleeping?" She probed. I looked at her in the mirror and paused. "I am tired. The kids haven't been sleeping well. I would like more work too... Why?" I asked. "Because you are losing a lot of hair. The baby is almost a year. You should not be losing this much hair. I don't want to freak you out but when I was coloring it there were whole sections that are gone. It's so thin. These spiky pieces..." She went on and on. She told me about women with thyroid problems and my heart raced.

WHAT THE HELL?! I'm going bald?

I began to think about all the hair I had seen floating around my bathroom the last few weeks. I talked to my mother who said, "I didn't say anything but at lunch today I could see through your hair."

Heart seizes. Again. WTF?!

So I googled. 'Hair loss and women.' 'Thyroid symptoms'. 'Thyroid problems in women'. I don't have any symptoms except hair loss. I'm one of the healthiest people I know.

Then I had a thought. What if it's my IUD? My body has never agreed with any birth control/hormone option I have gone with and the Mirena is a low-dose hormone IUD versus the no hormone, copper Paraguard IUD. I googled
'Mirena and hair loss'.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The search was scary, sad, heart-wrenching and my gut instinct went wild. I wanted to claw at my abdomen and get the thing out of me stat. The idea that I now have to search for another form of birth control pisses me off. I'm so sick of dealing with this issue. It's been almost fifteen years of this and no option has ever been a good one for me. I just want it gone. I want my hair back (six months post-removal is the typical time frame for regrowth) and I want Mirena to come clean. I never read about hair loss in my research and brochures. My doctor didn't discuss this as one of the side effects. I'm angry, sad and feeling futile.

This topic of birth control seems to always bring this about in me. Anyone else out there feel this way? Anyone?


I am 29 and had the Mirena put in 6 weeks after having baby #2. ...

Read all Mirena side effects

Posted at 12: 9 PM on Oct 15, 2009 by kelliportland

I am 29 and had the Mirena put in 6 weeks after having baby #2. I thought it was a great idea and my OB said "NO SIDE EFFECTS". I have been bleeding heavily since it was inserted, cramps, sharp pains in my uterus area, bloating and headaches at night. I don't know if this is their form of birth control, but if your bleeding everyday you can't have sex! I run 3 miles five times a week and was losing weight steadily, until I had the Mirena put in. I watch what I eat obsessively and I am gaining weight! I am emotional all the time and find myself losing my patience with my kids and my husband all the time. I am getting it taken out today! I'll update how it went and the side effects going away. I would rather deal with another pregnancy than go through this. Follow your gut feelings - the Mirena won't work for everyone and obviously there are quite a few of us!


Pasted from <>


Let me tell you after trying the pill after my first child, I switched after my second child to the copper iud, which was painful for me the first couple of months but after I was used to it; My periods were regular, some cramping now and then. Finally after 5 years I had it removed. I gave birth to my last child and the doctor said the only option for iud was the mirena, I expressed my concerns about hearing bad things about it but he said it is the same as the iud. So I went for it. After having it inserted I went to the doctor for the last check up 2 weeks after insertion, the doctor checked my mirena and he was surprised. He ordered an XRAY right away to find out if the mirena was still in place. I went for the x-ray, they told me I had nothing inside. So I was like GREAT IT FELL OUT. This is what the dr said as well. It must have spilled out. I was a little concerned as i never remember anything coming out, but with the pain I had those first 2 weeks I was glad it was gone. Then I went to a different place, to get birth control.....back to the pill. I tried that for 2 months and i was getting tingling in my legs arms hands, feet and face, so they adv to stay off the pill for a month and we would try something different they gave me condoms and "films". So I told my husband and he said that was fine, he was like we will have one last child. (since they don’t have to carry them *wink wink *) Believe me we tried "like rabbits" for those 2 years and I would just get more depressed each month as I took pregnancy test after test. I seriously had thought that maybe they did a tubal litigation and I did not know anything about it. I mean as far as i have tried I have always been able to get pregnant, I as so depressed this was back in fall 2006. After the baby i had lost 20 pounds I had put on. Now we are in fall 2008 since then I have gained more weight and am at the heaviest i have ever (NEVER) been 265lbs . For those of you who know how much it sucks just to go up even 5 lbs, you know this was devastating to me. I was always at 175, and then 195 after my second baby. Ok so during those 2 years i continued with my face tingling, hands, feet, sometimes feeling dizzy or lightheaded. I thought it was my sugar, but no, this continued for about 6 different episodes during that time. Also i experienced depression, fatigue, loss of sexual interest due to that pain in the abdomen when having sex. Not to mention my period on and off all month long every month. It was never a regular period but a "spotting" EVERY other day. Sometimes i would get it at night and by the morning it would have stopped and sometimes it would switch and get it in the morning and by the evening it was gone. those were the worst 2 years of my life. Finally this year my husband pushed me to go see yet a different doctor and the doctor ordered a D & C procedure. He said due to the irregular periods he would do a cleaning. HERE COMES THE BIG SPIN: when i was in the recovery i heard the nurse talking to the other nurse who was relieving her about my procedure she was like : a D & C ....and a iud removal..... I WAS LIKE WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???? Oh yeah they removed your iud.
I am so furious, I mean thankful to my new doctor but I swear I would just want to go back to my old doctor to throw the damn thing in his face. I will go in for a check up in one week with my new doctor for a post op and let you know where we will take things from here. As for my husband and family this was a huge surprise as well. And yes again my husband was like we can have another baby. He was so happy, I of course said, BOY YOU ARE CRAZY. First I want to get some of this excess weight down before I have my last child. ;)


2,650 Side Effects posted for Mirena on Medications .com

By net robins

More at the site below....

April 11th
9:40 PM

i had my mirena for 4 months and gained almost 70 lbs. I have gone through so much with the doctors i have had the same responses as all the other posts. it has been out 1 yr and i am still not normal. I havent had a period since it was removed,they have checked every inch of my body with lab tests and basically they said i am crazy.i am very distraught about this whole thing its horrible and no one will listen. I have started seeing an alternative med doctor who says it is an adrenal prob caused by mirena.has anyone had any positive effects with any treatment please help

-- By grinera13

April 11th
12:53 AM

Im 17 years old and I have have one daughter. I got the Mirena put in about ten months ago. At the beginning I bleed constantly, then had to put on estrogen pills for 10 days, after that I have never have a period or anything. I have...
-No sex drive (Im 17, I shouldnt have a problem)
-Breast tenderness
-Mood swings (I get to mad/sad so quick for no reason)

& I have no idea why. I want to know if all this is actually from the Mirena. I want to know if it would just be better to get it out. I dont want anymore kids right now {Thats why I got it in the first place} Please give me some advice on what you think.

-- By hannahncod

April 10th
11:07 PM

OMG...Seriously...People do NOT know of this site and are just beginning to put together all of these life altering side effects and look for answers. Again I am open to and have tried all sorts of new and innovative medications because I truly believe in the science.

My Daughter just turned 17. I have been a single Mom her entire life as her father is deceased. I have done it all carrying 3 or 4 jobs to pay for college tuition and the costs of raising a child. Carried a 4.0gpa for 4.5 years while raising a highly spirited red head single handedly in a college town where I knew no one. She is an amazing high honor student who is community and civic minded and is truly the most repsonsible person I have ever met.

I now work from home for the first time with a home daycare. I have little one's leaking or spewing on me daily just to be able to still enjoy the things my daughter now deems *gay* or ...*totally gay*.

For the first time in my life I have found a great man and truly in love but have ZERO desire to start over...this is perfect...I get to play with kids all day and send them home at night. all the fun and i get to sleep in and not worry about rising college tuition costs.

I'm 37 and about to have my life to myself for the first LIFE. My daughter will not be lingering she has plans and goals and is headed off to start her life soon after graduation next year and I have an account I have been stashing away since she was little for someday for...ME.

I would absolutely in a heartbeat rather deal with an unplanned/unexpected pregnancy than spend one more second of my life with that device inside my body.

My fever finally broke today...thought it was that *flu* i'd had back in february.

Listen to your body and do not let any Doctor try to make you continue to take a medication you don't want to take. I went through this way back when the Norplant made me gain 75lbs and bleed for 2 years while i fought with my insurance company because I had signed a contract stating I did not want children within the 5 year period for them to pay to have it put in. It requires COURT ORDERS to force you to take medication against your wishes.

when I came to this site I was still believing it was something else or I just needed to give it *more time* to adjust or whatever. No. just as some people tolerate medications and others have allergies. I believe my body was *allergic* to this device and was REPEATEDLY openly telling me to have it removed. I was lucky my *family practitioner* was booked solid the morning I finally did the math and *freaked out*. I got a doctor who turned my 15 min check into almost 2 hours of *what should we do * and *these are your options* she handed me to oxycodone and left me for 5 minutes to *prepare* for the removal, has had enough experience in last 6 months she said to know I needed some time to prepare myself for if nothing else the pain. let alone...omg...what might come next...after removal. she also told me she would only give it two *tugs* as I hyperventilated and if it didn't release she would reschedule and SEDATE me.

I'm venting and i'm sorry. It's the first time my brain has been clear enough to think since Dec 4th of 2008. I thank goodness I found this site and took some time to think about all of this and have it out first chance I got.I fear the long term effects and i'm certain my easy removal was due to it's short time and my body's good sense to try to get it OUT. I thankfully had no infections and again, removal is so NOT the *Want to kick your Doctor in the face* ordeal the insertion is.

I can't wait to see the responses from those who are nieve enough to believe that everything works the same for everyone, and I hope they hold on to my email address to keep me updated in a year or so when they too are finding themselves at a complete *loss* for their sudden lack of desire to live...or daydreaming of maiming those they once cherished.

sorry for the rambling...gotta love hormones !

-- By vttmask

April 10th
10:41 PM

I am going to copy the address to this page and personally drive around to local family practice offices and discreetly drop piles of them everywhere. I pride myself on my medical knowledge and background having worked one way or another in the medical field all of my life. I take into account every aspect of a new medication after a life altering labor and deliver drove me to have a bright shiny new Norplant installed before it had time to be researched and tested properly, i'm still awaiting the final outcome of that young, uneducated, made out of fear of unimaginable horror and lack of RELIABLE READY INFORMATION ABOUT ALL OF IT'S SIDE AFFECTS. I believe every person is different and no one person will tolerate the same information the same way.
Except for the Mirena apparently. It seems almost UNIVERSALLY bad for a women's body and was MOST LIKELY conjured up by some ill treated ManBoy.
All that being said to the women who were in NO way warned of any of the negative side affects,(most likely older women who finally found mr right but under no cicumstances want to go back to diapers sleepless nights and college tuition worries...) Thank Goodness for the WorldWideWeb and access to information. I am over 35 and have a family history of heart disease, there are very few options for birth control for me. This seemed like some sort of modern day miracle and while I suspected someone having as *significant* of a period as I, should probably...have one regularly...I too was *woo'd* by the prospect of a shorter, lighter, possibly infrequent period. However I was not warned that the other 3 weeks of the month I would rather be dead than alive. Turns out my body is smarter than I am and just days after finding this site and putting it all it finally passing the *MirenaBlock* ...I made an appt for a check and my body had spent the last 4 months attempting to push it out.
I'm never lucky enough for the *magicpills* to work, to those who are *KUDOS* but don't belittle those women smart enough to pursue a logical explanation to a sudden change in every aspect of your life. Information is knowledge and if you look most of those *BITCHY* women who called you babies have has the *device* installed less than 6 Kharma's a bitch and I think the Mirena has pissed off *Mother Nature* good luck lol and yes...I too within HOURS ...felt better and I EMBRACE the wonders of modern medicine daily...just not the horrors !

-- By vttmask

April 10th
10:28 PM

I had mirena inserted in Feb. 2008. Insertion was what I expected. I cramped for 1-2 days after, but it was well controlled with ibuprofen. I spotted for nearly 6 weeks after. The only thing I like about the iud is the lack of a monthly cycle and no cramps.

I am having a terrible time with the weight gain, mood swings and NO libido. Prior to getting the iud, I had been doing weight watcher for over 1 year and had lost 50+ lbs. Since about 2 mos after having it inserted, I have absolutely no control over my appetite and have gained 20+ lbs. The mood swings I am experiencing are terrible. I could cry almost every day. I have tried to convince myself that these things were not b/c of the mirena, but due to the stress of dealing with toddlers. After seeing the posts here, it looks like I'm not alone.

As a nurse, I try to believe that the mirena shouldn't cause such adverse reactions, but I have never felt like I feel now. I want to have it removed, but not until my husband has a vasectomy. I don't want to have it taken out just to have to start back on pills. We are done having children, and I want to be done with birth control.

Everyone reacts differently to medications/treatments, so the mirena may be just what some women are looking for, but I don't think it is for me.

-- By sec820

April 10th
1:38 PM

I have had the Mirena for 3 or 4 years now. The first few years was great I didn't have any systems at all and i just loved it. Well over the past year I have had nothing but trouble I have gained over 30 lbs, I've became so depressed to the point I won't do anything get dressed, do my hair, leave my house, I break down and cry for no reason, I keep migraines, and I'm to the point I hate waking up. I've tried to talk to my Dr. about having it removed but they just make me feel as if all this is in my head so I keep it. They did tell me about another IUD called the Paragard which is what I want because it is non hormonal but they say they can't do it at their office and I can't find no one else to do it either. So I'm still stuck with the Mirena until I can get the Paragard. That's if I don't get fed up before than and take it out myself.

-- By tiffygirl

April 9th
2:46 PM

I had Mirena placed in August 2007. My daughter was born in February of '07 but I waited a while before deciding on what type of bc I would use. I never imagined all the crap I've been through was because of this IUD. I've wondered why after taking a shower, there's still an odor down there. I've wondered why the stupid little things most husbands do really enrages me. I've wondered why I have felt depressed...and now I know. Those are only just a few things that I haven't been able to explain since our daughter was born. I honestly don't know if I can blame the weight gain on the Mirena, but it's worth taking it out to see if a diet will actually work for me. I'm glad this forum is here and I wish I had found something like this before having the Mirena placed. I've also had a lot of yeast infections for no good reason which is why I decided to look up side effects of the Mirena and found that so many women have had all the issues that I've been having. I guess I just shouldn't have messed with mother nature. My husband and I still don't know if we're going to have anymore kids so I don't want to do anything permanent and I can not, for the life of me, remember to take a pill. So I guess it's going to have to be condoms for us until we decide no more and then we'll decide on something permanent. I'm sorry all of you ladies experienced these problems but I'm glad you have shared them because it definitely sheds some light on things for me. I will be making an appointment very soon to have mine removed. Thank you, ladies.

-- By liliansmom

April 9th
12:46 PM

I am 21 years old and have had the Mirena for 19 months. For the first couple of months i absoloutely loved it! I had light periods that only lasted 1-2 days and no other side effects. January 2008 was the last period i had. That was 14 months ago and the side effects have slowly been getting worse since then. I have been depressed, lethargic, withdrawn, paranoid, anxious, not to mention very low libido & a lot of weight gain - about 50 pounds in the last 19 months, despite dieting & excersizing. I have severe mood swings which I never had before. I have always been fun & easy going and now I have sudden outbursts, especially towards my husband with no provocation. I almost never want to kiss him, let alone have sex. We have been married for less than 2 years and its killing our marriage. I have severe migranes & cry a lot. I have only been married for 18 months and my marriage is suffering because of everything wrong with me. I dont even recognize myself anymore. We dont want to have kids for another couple years, but I think I am to the point where i would do anything to be myself again.

-- By shannana87

April 9th
1:23 AM

I had Mirena placed when my husband got back from Iraq. That was 5 years ago this month. All those years, I loved that I didn't have to worry about periods or birth control. Unfortunately, I had to worry about everything else. I blamed everything on stress. Learning to be a family again when my husband got home was hard. Then, we had no income for a year after he left the Army. Then, he got a new job and we moved and I went back to school. Stress, stress, stress. I blamed my weight gain on stress. I blamed my constant heartburn and acid indigestion on the weight gain. I had joint issues that I also blamed the weight for. I had chest pains and actually was afraid I was having a heart attack--I'm only 36 now. I thought being fat was the reason for that too.

I figured I just needed to lose 50 pounds. I'd go to the gym and get on track. I was hardly eating anything, since everything made me sick. I'd plan to go to the gym, but the next day, (I don't work, just go to school online), I'd have no energy. I would stay in bed for hours. I stopped cleaning my house, didn't care what my kids ate for dinner. I stopped doing my hobbies. I was so depressed. I saw one other lady here had said that she HATED her husband and he hadn't done anything! Ditto!!! I was ready to file for divorce and the poor guy wasn't even in town!!! He was on a business trip!

I had the Mirena taken out April 1. Yesterday, I went to the doc to confirm (though I already knew it) that my blood pressure was dangerously low. (84/52) I'm not allowed to drive, shower, stand for any length of time... This happens to me when I get sick or my immune system takes a hit. Since I'm having bleeding similar to what others are, I assume that's the problem and my BP will hopefully go up in the next couple of days.
However, I'm happy. That is something I never was before. I'm still tired, but I'm not sleeping on a regular schedule yet.

The biggest thing that no one has mentioned yet is HUNGER!! I'm SOoooo hungry. The day after removal, I woke with my stomach growling. I don't remember the last time my stomach growled! I can't seem to eat enough, though I'm scared to gain more weight! I'm thinking maybe my metabolism is going back to normal??!! Anyway, anyone else had this?


-- By borrowedhalo

April 9th
12:47 AM

well ive had mirena 4 7months now n last saturday i did my regular check 4 the strings n i felt them really low very low, n alot of pain. the next morning i felt again, n it was back where it was b4(maybe its me freaking out) but i cant stand the pain, n after reading all the other exsperances maybe i need 2 get it removed! i go 2marrow n ill ask the doctor than. but i dont have a car n i 4get 2 take the pill im 2 busy taking care of my boy n cleaning. this was the best birth control 4 busy moms who cant keep track of things! but im really going 2 talk 2 my doctor 2marrow n c wats really going on! GOOD LUCKY LADIES!!!! =)

-- By lopezd


    hi, My name is danielle. I just found out that I am pregnant with my fifth child, and am in shock with all the women that have had all these problems. I got pregnant with it in and it came out shortly after.Everything is okay so far but, there is a huge part of me that is so angery for the false sense of secuity that I had.

    By danielle urda - 11/13/2008 10:27 PM


    I has the Miena put in twice. Both times it ended up moving and having to be removed. Since I got it removed the last time my body has not been able to ovulate. I've had to get progesterone shots after not getting my period for a month past the due date. Now my dr has stated that I will have to continue to take the hormone on a monthly basis. Before I got the Mirena put in I had normal periods. I have also felt sick and moody since the day after they originally put it in. Now that it's out I'm still moody due to lack of hormones. I suggest if you don't already have the IUD then DON'T get it.

    By Katelyn - 2/5/2009 12:55 AM


    I had the Mirena put in November 2006 after the birth of my second son. Over the last year my husband and I started noticing different changes in me. I've has severe weight gain, mood swings, depression, NO sex drive, and insomnia. I've gone to my OBGYN to have my hormones tested, but they all came back normal. I've also gone to a psychologist and psychiatrist. So far nothing has helped. I started putting my symptoms in the computer today and I couldn't believe that this could actually be caused by Mirena. I am calling my doctor first thing Monday morning to schedule an appointment to have it removed. I just don't feel like the same person anymore. My husband has made several comments. Mirena is not worth all of these problems. If there is a lawsuit I would be more than willing to help.

    By Rachel Gray - 2/9/2009 5:16 PM


    I had the IUD inserted 5/30/08. It perforated through my uterus 5/31/08. I found out when I went to the hospital with severe pain 6/1/08. Through ultrasounds and an x-ray the techs found it in my lower abdomen between my uterus and my right hip. I needed it surgically removed 6/3/08, after a consultation 6/2/08. The costs add up to nearly $10,000 because I didn't have insurance. I'm looking for someone to represent my case to get the medical fees covered.

    By Susan B - 2/14/2009 12:40 AM


    My daughter-in-law has had the Mirena IUD for about 2 years. She has all the side effect symptoms such as inability to sleep, major depression, weight gain, and many others. She is having it removed, but unfortunately has no medical insurance.

    The manufacturer needs to re-call this IUD. I have read too many stories to count regarding the effects of this IUD. Is there a class-action suit? If so, how does my daughter-in-law get in contact with someone?

    Thanks for your help.

    By Jill Jordan - 3/6/2009 2:05 PM


    i got the IUd put in 6 months after my 1st child was born and had a pap smear oct 2008 they told me that it was abnormal and i have cervical cancer and have to have a L.E.Ep. done where they cut the top layer of your cervix off my doctor is sure that the IUd had nothing to do with me getting the cervical cancer but i believe it is what caused it but if there is anyone out there that has the same story please speak up im only 19 and didn't know what i was getting myself into other women should know about what is happening to those of us who do have it and are paying for it.

    By brooke - 3/16/2009 5:49 PM


    After the birth of my 4th, on May 31st 2008 son I got the IUD placed. It was my first and only time. That Sunday I went to the grocery store and started feeling a very sharp pain in my side. I was told that I would feel some cramping and discomfort but this pain was above and beyond "discomfort". I went to the ER where they performed an ultrasound. They could not find the IUD so they decided to perform an xray. That is when they discovered the IUD sitting between my uterus and my hip. It had perforated through my uterus...which was causing the tremendous pain. Now I have medical bills exceeding $10,000 for the removal alone. The following December I became pregnant with my 5th child and am going through everything you can think of...transfusions, gestational diabetes, cerclage, and the baby will be premature. Not that the IUD had anything to do with this but if it had done it's job, I would still be able to enjoy my now toddler and try for the baby in a few years allowing my body to heal from my 4th son. THAT I do blame on Mirena.

    By Susan Bremel - 6/1/2009 9:19 PM


    I have just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I do not have any familial history of BC, so they are looking for other causes and have pinpointed the Mirena as a possible cause. I am having it removed ASAP, but am devistated that something that was so safe is just not. It also caused me to have ovarian cysts and may be the cause of my femur bone cyst? I feel molested by this company and their product.

    By Amy Peden - 6/17/2009 5:17 AM


      Amy,I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you,its not nice when you find out what mirena has done to you,I had to have my thyroids removed,so I know how you feel,I also had breast lump removed.

      I hope you will be ok please let us know how you are,

      Take care and all the best,Net.

      By net robins

      - 6/17/2009 5:42 AM


    I was completely sold by my P.A. at the physicians' office I went to to go on Mirena (I had gone in to go back on the birth control pill). The office gave so much praise to Mirena, so I thought I'd try it. I realized that I had no energy, I was waking up for hours every night, bled for the first 3 months every day and felt just plain yucky. I went in after 3 months of being on it, and for the first time ever, I had an ovarian cyst and an estrogen level of 4x the normal. I told my P.A. that I thought this must be a result of Mirena, she quickly defended Mirena saying (and I quote), "Mirena does not cause ovarian cysts". I told her how bad I was feeling, she had me go get a blood test, and now I had developed hypothyroidism. When I went back 6 weeks later to recheck the ovarian cyst, the right cyst was gone, but now I had a cyst on my left ovary. I told her to take the Mirena out. She replied again, "Mirena does not cause ovarian cysts". A good friend of mine and I did some research on-line, and not only does the Mirena web site state under "common side effects" that Mirena can cause ovarian cysts, but it can cause it in 10-12% of women on Mirena. I also noticed hair falling out. I would like to see physicians being much more cautious of promoting this product. Since all this happened to me, I have been reading so many other women's horror stories since going on Mirena.

    By Suzanne Toon - 6/23/2009 12:11 AM


    I Am 23. I have one child. I had her oct of 06. 2 mths later I got the Mirena® IUD. Everything was fine for a while. Sept 07 I started to notice some wierd pain on my right side. I could not have sex without pain and spoting. One day I am in the tanning bed and as I settle in and my body gets hot I had a pain, so I put my hand there to press on it and I felt a huge mass that hurt. So I go to the doc and he says it is gas. Then I get a call on a sat from my docs assistant and says I need to come in asap. So I go and they find a huge cyst on my right ovary. Nov 7 07,That monday I have same day surgery and wake up to find I no longer had a right ovary. To top it off I get a letter saying that my doc had left and it had a list of docs I should try. My doc hadnt been there long enough to leave all of a sudden. The cyst was 6cm by 7cm! How could you call that gas?

    By Samantha Maerz - 7/9/2009 2:22 AM


    I had an Merina IUD for 18 months and I tell you I have never felt so crappy in my whole life I had anxiety,Nausia, Vomiting, Cramps ,and weight gain I went to the doctor the other day to get it out

    07-08-09 and they couldn't find the strings and they tried reaching up in my uterus not 1 not 2 but 3 times it was the worst pain you could imagne that didn't even work I had surgery today to have it removed. I would NEVER tell ANYONE to get a Merina IUD!!!!!!!

    By Ashley Sagers - 7/11/2009 9:12 PM


    I need to talk to someone about my story. I had the Merina put in Dec 08 after the birth of my third son, this was my second attempt at the IUD, and about a month in I could not find the strings! I call the office and they tell me it's normal and not to worry. So in march 09 I started bleeding heavely after 3 months of crazy bleeding and many phone call to the doctor to tell me it's normal I bleed for 4 months straight!! So in july the doctors office agrees to see me and take it out. They could not find the strings in the office so I was scheduled a surgery then after they woke me from that surgery they said they could not find it!! They did a x-ray that thank god found it behind my LIVER!! I have surgery this monday july 20 to have it removed and I am just hoping there is no more damage than what is already done!! I have no insurance and I think I am my family deserve pain and suffering please help!!!


    Vel wrote

    Mirena is a friggin' nightmare! I really thought i was going to kill myself because i could not handle the constant panic attacks and depression. I was always a emotionally stable person before. Three months after having the Mirena i was complety fragile. I have no doubt thats what made me feel that way. I just don't want other women to go through what i went through.

    stay strong girls. I am now terrified of birth control.


    Posted June 03, 2009


    Diana wrote

    I got the IUD inserted 3 weeks ago, a week I noticed my heart beating out of control, skipping heart beats. I was scared, someone told me to look into to the Mirena side affects because that is the only thing I have had different in the last month. I have learned about all the side affects and complications. I went back to my GYN yesterday and I asked her to take it off. She thought I was crazy, I told her that its my health and that I have to act now before I end up being a statistic. She took it off. Thank God I only had it for 3 weeks after reading some of your comments. I hope all the best for all of you myself included.


    Posted May 29, 2009

    Sarah Bergman


    Sarah Bergman wrote

    I had my Mirena placed in April of 2008 and it has been one of the worst years for me, hormonally. I was personally assured by my GYN that the side effects to the Mirena IUD were "virtually non-existent". I trusted my physician to know what he was talking about.

    I immediately began feeling sick, exhausted, achey, nauseous, dizzy, etc. I assumed that I had the flu. The symptoms worsened over time to the point that my husband was almost forced to call for an ambulance after what I thought must have been a hypoglycemic sugar episode. The doctor numerous tests that all came back negative. I've been to appointment after appointment trying to figure out what was going on with me. I've had headaches, extreme exhaustion, flu-like symptoms, depression, muscle aches, dizziness, bruised easily, gained over 30 lbs. muscle twitching, SEVERE anxiety and mood swings, "nervous breakdown", I have practically become someone else. I am hurt beyond words for myself and all of the others who've suffered.


    Posted May 14, 2009


    Sarah wrote

    I had a Mirena inserted last April. I chose it because I've had menorrhagia twice and very heavy painful periods, and also because I was supposed to get married this coming October (postponed because of the economy) so I wanted to give my body time to get adjusted on it. We knew children weren't on the agenda for the next few years. I was NOT sexually active when the Mirena was inserted, and still not (waiting for marriage). The IUD made me miserable from the start. My periods never leveled off and I basically had my period every two weeks as they lasted a minimum of 10 days. I had stomach pain that never went away and I was bloated and moody. Every month I was on my hands and knees rocking back and forth on the floor from ovulation pain. I also gained close to thirty pounds in a year. My health insurance ran out in August of last year and I couldn't afford to go to the doctor so I've just been living with it. Well, this past week I had two days of the worst stomach pain I've ever had.


    Pasted from <>




 I had the mirena out over a month ago. about 5 days later i had the 'crash' with suicidal thoughts etc. This lasted about 3 days at it's worst. Things have been better since, but not much better and I'm starting to get worried this thing has effected me permanently :( I still have almost daily anxiety, which I never had until i had it taken out! I did have the depression though, but i have always suffered with that during my adult life, it just got worse with the mirena. It's really effecting my relationship, as i'm suspitious, argumentative and always negative. I don't seem to find fun in anything at the moment. I thought once it was out I'd get back to 'normal'. I wasn't expecting an over night change, but this is starting to drag. I've booked myself to go and get a blood test done this week to check my hormone levels. The strange thing I've noticed, is that I did have slight bleeding and cramping monthly in the last few months of he mirena and I had a small bleed a week after removal. now i'm a week late and nothing, not even cramping. My body is really all over the place.

I'd apreciate any similar stories, and any ray of hope you guys can offer me.

November 25, 2008


Another sad story

By net robins
:angry: holy crap! i wish i could have found this site a long time ago i had mirena inserted feb of 2008, i still have it in and i want it out!! ever since ive had this crap i have been so BITCHY, mean, i was told that my body would "adjust" to mirena and just wait 6 months to a year for the side effects to go away. yea they have not weakened only worsened. i wanted to get this removed and i was telling myobgyn my symptoms, she said well it will still cost 250$ for removal. i wanted to crap! it had cost me that much to insert (office fee) i can not believe that so many women are experiencing the same problems as me. the most recent thing now is that my lower abdomen gets very bloated and just hurts like hell when i bend or sit, my back pain is terrible but i am still told that my body will adjust. yea just wait till i run in that office and jack up the dr for not listening to me. and i was never informed of side effects like the ones other women are experiencing. i am making an appt to get this junk out!!:mad:


September 11, 2008



By net robins
Period Math

The length of the monthly cycle varies. Usually, during the first 5 to 7 years after your first menstrual period, the cycles are more irregular and the interval between them is longer than for cycles later in life. Typically, during your twenties and thirties, the cycles become increasingly shorter and more regular. When a woman enters her forties, the cycles begin to lengthen again.

So, how do you know if you're cycle is normal? An average cycle length is 28 days, but if your cycle lasts anywhere between ~24 to 35 days, it's considered normal. A normal period flow lasts anywhere from 4 to 6 days, causes an average blood loss of 25-60 ml, and can be light, moderate, or heavy. Flow lasting longer than one week and blood loss of more than 80 ml are considered abnormal. Also, passing the occasional blood clot is normal.

By convention, the 28-day cycle is considered the ideal cycle. (Only 10-15% of cycles last exactly 28 days.) This doesn't mean that if your cycle isn't exactly 28 days there's something wrong with you; 28 days is just an average. [Not to mention that it makes the math simple--in a 28-day cycle, ovulation happens at the halfway mark, on the 14th day.] Also, by convention, the first day of bleeding is considered the start of the cycle, and is denoted as Day 1; the period lasts for 5 days (in an ideal cycle), or from Day 1 to Day 5; and the cycle ends on Day 28. Of course, real life doesn't always conform to conventions: if you're cycle isn't 28 days, how do you number the days of your cycle? Let's use an example to illustrate.

Say your period starts on the tenth of the month, your bleeding lasts for 4 days, and your cycle length is 30 days.

The day the bleeding starts, the tenth of the month, is Day 1 of your cycle. The blood flow days are Day 1 through Day 4, or the tenth through the thirteenth of the month. Your cycle ends on Day 30, or the ninth of next month.

One more useful calculation: your ovulation day. (Ovulation = the release of the egg from the ovary.) In an ideal, 28-day cycle, ovulation happens on day 14. Obviously, if you're cycle isn't 28 days, that doesn't help you. Fortunately, ovulation day is remarkably constant from woman to woman, and you can calculate your probable ovulation date based on the length of your monthly cycle. Here's one helpful way to think of the monthly cycle: a cycle divided into two intervals. The first interval (preovulatory) lasts from the end of your period to ovulation. The second interval (postovulatory) lasts from ovulation to the start of your next period. The preovulatory interval can vary widely; it may last for four days, or nine days, depending on the length of your cycle. In contrast, the postovulatory interval tends to be fairly constant at 14 days, regardless of how many days your cycle lasts. Crystal clear, right? You can now calculate your ovulation day, even in your sleep if you have to. [Huh? - ed. Now you know how I feel when someone tries to explain tech-related stuff to me.] Let's go through this step-by-step:

First, you need to track your cycle. Mark the day your period starts; this is Day 1 of your cycle. Then count the number of days until your next period; this is your cycle length. Do this for about three cycles in a row (more than three is fine, less, not so much). [The reason you need a minimum of three months is because cycle length might not always be the same each month. After three consecutive months you should be able to see a cycle length pattern.] Once your fourth period starts, count forward from Day 1 the number of days in your cycle length and mark that date. Then, from that day, count backwards fourteen days. This is your presumptive ovulation day. [You never count forwards, from the start of your period, because the preovulatory interval varies in length. You count backwards, because the postovulatory interval is fairly consistent at 14 days.]

For example, let's say your cycle lasts 24 days and your best friend's last 31 days. Both of you will most likely ovulate 14 days before the start of the next period. For you, this means ovulation is on Day 10 of your cycle (24 - 14 = 10), while for your friend, ovulation happens on Day 17 of her cycle (31 - 14 = 17).

Keeping track of your monthly cycle isn't useful just for planning a pregnancy. It's also beneficial if you plan to manage your period. In particular, it's useful if you plan to use period control occasionally, like for a scheduled event. If you know you have an upcoming event (vacation, exams, business trip) and you don't want to have a menstrual period around that date, the best time to suppress your real or fake period is about three months in advance. The advantage: it lowers the likelihood of nuisance side effects, like breakthrough bleeding/spotting.



September 3, 2008


Please make your Mirena complaint here so all can see

By net robins

If you want to make a complaint go to this site and register it there,I done it today.


August 30, 2008


Balancing Hormones

By net robins

 Balaning hormones. Here is part of it. The last sentence if very important. No wonder I never had any problems in the past with oral birth control. Levonrgestrel is what the IUD uses.

"To restore balance: If you're not already taking birth control pills, consider starting. "Oral contraceptives lower levels of free testosterone — the type that's floating around in your blood and causing blemishes — by 50 percent," says Redmond. If you're on the Pill and it's not helping your skin, it may be the formulation. Redmond's top complexion-clearing picks: Ortho Tri-Cyclen and Yasmin, both of which have higher levels of estrogen and lower levels of androgen than certain other pills. Also, avoid any made with levonorgestrel, such as Alesse and Levlite. This synthetic form of progesterone mimics testosterone's effects and may cause breakouts."

Here is the address of the whole article.


 I had the IUD placed in me about a year ago. I was bleeding and having severe cramps is the reason. The doctor said that it would stop the bleeding and cramps. Well it did stop the bleeding and the cramps is another story. I have been to the emergency room alot since the IUD was placed due to cramps. I have been very tired and very ill with mood swings. I have had a discharge and bloating. My marriage is in a strain. My husband and I cannot at all have sex because it hurts me to bad. I miss work due to the cramps and just feeling bad. I don't know how much longer I can live this way. I would rather be dead then keep feeling like this. My husband and I are on the break of divorce. I have 4 children here that I cannot tend to like they need to be because of the way that I feel. My job sends me home due to me looking sickly. That just happened this past week when I went to the hospital. My tubes are tied and I have had 2 ectopic preg. and have had cervical cancer 2 times. All of this was before the placement. I wish they would take this product off of the shelves. I am going to look for a attorney. This company needs to realize what damage this product is causing women out there. Not only the woman but also the people around her. Please help if you can on giving me information about a law suit. Something has to happen. and happen fast. my email is and my phone number is 864-228-7236 or 864-684-1548 and my work is 864-876-0476 my name is Autumn Welch


Anyway, doing research about IUD's... I found that this is how they work. If you do happen to get pregnant with an IUD inserted, the fetus aborts.The IUD causes you to have a spontaneous abortion. I didn't know that at the time ~ or I would never have had an IUD. This Mirena one can't be any better. Wasayo Quoting: She's right. The hormone's in this "IUC" are supposed to make the environment inside you unsuitable for fertiliztion to occur-but it still does at times. When this happens- an early miscarriage- or abortion occurs depending on how you look at it. Its definately not a very Christian form of BC. I had mine in for 4 years and had so many health problems I had 4 surgeries and was hospitalized several times and was expected not to live at one point. All my tests have revealed an unidentifiable cause for my problems and I'm not the only women with these issues. I recently got my IUD out and some of the symptoms are resolving- otheres are not expected to ever go away- based on what others have experienced. The fact is- it takes A LOT for a drug to go off the market (SEVERAL PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE-literally, AND SO FAR- MIRENA HAS ONLY DISABLED HUNDREDS AND RUINED many LIVES) and a class action suit is in progress. Before I got sick I worked in healthcare- including pharmaceuticals for 10 years so I have seen this before. The best thing you can do is EDUCATE YOURSELF before you do or take anything that will alter your body. With modern medicine: what saves one person's life can kill another. I tried to be educated when I got Mirena, but when I got it- the information about side effects that is available to patients now: wasn't when I got it.


Sepsis As of 1999, four cases of Group A streptococcal sepsis (GAS) out of an estimated 1.3 million MIRENA  users were reported. All four women experienced the symptom of severe pain within hours of insertion, and this was followed by sepsis within a few days (of insertion). All recovered with treatment. Since death from GAS is more likely if treatment is delayed, it is important to be aware of these rare but serious infections. Aseptic technique during MIRENA  insertion is essential. (GAS sepsis can also occur postpartum, after minor surgery, in wounds and in association with other IUDs.)   PID warning to MIRENA users All women who choose MIRENA  must be informed prior to insertion about the possibility of PID and that PID can cause tubal damage leading to ectopic pregnancy or infertility, or in infrequent cases can necessitate hysterectomy, or can cause death. Patients must be taught to recognize and report to their physician promptly any symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease. These symptoms include development of menstrual disorders (prolonged or heavy bleeding), unusual vaginal discharge, abdominal or pelvic pain or tenderness, dyspareunia, chills, and fever. Perforation An IUD may perforate the uterus or cervix, most often during insertion although the perforation may not be detected until some time later. If perforation occurs, the IUD must be removed and surgery may be required. Adhesions, peritonitis, intestinal perforations, intestinal obstruction, abscesses and erosion of adjacent viscera have been reported with IUDs. It is recommended that postpartum MIRENA  insertion be delayed until uterine involution is complete to decrease perforation risk. There is an increased risk of perforation in women who are lactating. Inserting MIRENA  immediately after first trimester abortion is not known to increase the risk of perforation, but insertion after second trimester abortion should be delayed until uterine involution is complete.   Ovarian Cysts Since the contraceptive effect of MIRENA  is mainly due to its local effect, ovulatory cycles with follicular rupture usually occur in women of fertile age using MIRENA . Sometimes atresia of the follicle is delayed and the follicle may continue to grow. Enlarged follicles have been diagnosed in about 12% of the subjects using MIRENA . Most of these follicles are asymptomatic, although some may be accompanied by pelvic pain or dyspareunia. In most cases the enlarged follicles disappear spontaneously during two to three months observation. Surgical intervention is not usually required.          


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