An email I received ,good to know I and all you other ladies are helping by telling your mirena side effects to others,again,Thankyou.

From: Angela


Subject: mirena advice

Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009

Hi Annette


What a brilliant website. I so wish I had found it before I had the mirena put in. Basically it was 9 months of hell and my personality changed so drastically.

I was just wondering as I couldn’t find anything to answer my question if you knew this. I know its different for everyone but how long after you get your mirena taken out do you bleed for. I cant find any real answers anywhere. I had mine taken out on Monday – a little painful then light spotting for 2 days and now a lot of bleeding and passing of clots. It seems heavier when im up and about .The last 2 night was little or no blood but as soon as im up it starts again. I rang a 24 hr dr and he was a bit vague and said maybe I should go to the emergency at a woman’s hospital. I just don’t want to jump the gun if this is normal. I had it taken out about half way through what my cycle has been on the mirena which was the 7th day of bleeding.

Any advice would be great. Thanks for listening.






Hi Annette


Thanks so much for your email – I feel a little better knowing that this is “normal” to some degree.

I love your web site and as I said I am only sorry I did not find it before I had the mirena put in. Thanks also for the raspberry tea info I’ll pick some up today. Will keep you posted on my progress. Congratulations on such a brilliant website again , and again thank you sooo very much for writing back – I don’t feel so alone.



Angela M



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