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Though a copper IUD can be left in place for up to 8 years with minimal attention, the initial insertion can be a minor ordeal. Done in the doctor's office or clinic, the procedure can be painful; and cramping can continue for up to a day. To insert the device, the doctor will pass a special applicator through the cervix into the lower end of the uterus. As it is pushed upwards with a plunger, the device unfolds to form a “T.” A string is left protruding from the cervix to permit later removal.

What's Involved In Getting an IUD

If you've decided to use an IUD, you'll need to find a qualified physician to insert and eventually to remove the device. He or she should have completed at least 5 supervised insertions before trying it independently.

You may have to go to the clinic a few days before your scheduled insertion to be checked for infections. In any case, you will need a routine physical exam and a Pap test to check for the signs of infection right before the insertion.

To reduce the pain and cramping that usually occurs during the first 12 to 24 hours after an IUD insertion, take aspirin or ibuprofin an hour before your appointment. You may also want to have someone go with you to the clinic and drive you home, in case you feel queasy, shaky, or weak.


The insertion procedure is simple and takes only 5 minutes. Many women feel pain, but some don't. To help you deal with the pain, your doctor may give you a “paracervical block,” which consists of injections of lidocaine into your cervix. It will take effect in 2 to 5 minutes.

After the pelvic exam, your physician will determine the size and position of your uterus by using a procedure known as “sounding.” He or she will open your vagina with an instrument called a speculum, and wash your cervix with a disinfectant. A long clamp called a tenaculum grasps your cervix and helps steady your uterus, minimizing the likelihood of perforation. Your doctor will push a uterine sound, a blunt rod­shaped instrument, through your cervical canal and into the uterus to determine whether your uterus is big enough to accommodate an IUD (it should be at least 2 and one­quarter inches) and if so, how deep he or she will need to insert the IUD to reach the top of the uterus (the fundus).

At this point, you're ready for the IUD. The doctor folds down the arms of the T­shaped device and loads it into a long tube. He or she inserts the tube into the uterus and releases the IUD by slowly and gently withdrawing the tube. This part of the procedure may cause cramping due to uterine contractions.

After insertion, you'll need to put one or two fingers into your vagina to check for your strings. Once you've located your cervix—it will feel smooth and round—you can touch the strings, which feel like nylon fishing line. Every month after your period you should check in this manner to ensure that you haven't expelled the device. You'll also want to make sure you can't feel the hard tip of the IUD coming out of your cervix.

You may have some bleeding and spotting during the first few days after insertion. This is normal, so don't worry. If the bleeding is heavy and constant, contact your doctor to rule out the possibility of infection.

Your first period will probably be a little heavier than normal; it also may come a few days early. You should schedule a follow­up appointment after your first period, sometime within 4 to 6 weeks of insertion. Don't wait longer than 3 months to have a checkup.

Unless you've just had a baby, you can have sex as soon as you like after an IUD insertion. Some doctors recommend using a backup method such as a condom during the first month to reduce your risk of infection. You don't need a backup method to protect you from pregnancy because an IUD is effective immediately.

Adverse Reactions After an Insertion

When the nerves of your cervix are stimulated, your blood pressure sometimes drops, or your heart rate may slow down. This could make you feel dizzy, nauseous, faint, and weak. Although most such reactions are mild and last only 15 to 30 minutes, convulsions and even heart arrest is possible. If your reaction is severe, your doctor may give you a drug called atropine.

Because it's dangerous to insert an IUD into a pregnant woman, your doctor may suggest you schedule the procedure during your monthly period. Not only does that eliminate the possibility of pregnancy, but since your cervix is slightly dilated during your period, insertion will be easier.

If you are not pregnant you can have an IUD inserted ...

  • Any time during your menstrual cycle, provided you are using another effective birth control method consistently, or have had a negative pregnancy test
  • Any time during your menstrual cycle, if you haven't had sex since your last period
  • Within six days of unprotected sex, if you want a post­intercourse (emergency) contraceptive.

If you have just been pregnant, you can have an IUD inserted...

  • Immediately after or within 3 weeks of an uncomplicated first trimester miscarriage
  • Immediately (within 10 minutes) following childbirth—by either vaginal or cesarean delivery
  • Six weeks after giving birth if you are breastfeeding
  • Six weeks postpartum, if you haven't had a period return, are not breast feeding, and have had a negative pregnancy test


There are several reasons to have an IUD removed. You may find you don't like it. You may wish to become pregnant. You may develop an infection or persistent side effects you can't tolerate. And, of course, at the end of an IUD's effective life—one year for the Progestasert and eight years for the ParaGard— you must have it removed and, if you wish, replaced.

Removal is usually easier and less painful than insertion. Your physician will take some of the same preliminary steps done for insertion, such as determining the position of the uterus. Once the strings are located, he or she will use a clamp to grab them and slowly pull the IUD out. The flexible arms of the T will fold up again as the device comes through the cervical canal.

If the strings can't be found, they may be just inside the cervical canal. The doctor may try to coax them out of your cervix with cotton­tipped swabs. If that fails, he or she will need to use a uterine sound again. Once the device is located, the physician will extract it with a pair of tweezer­like clamps. If this too fails, sonography may be necessary to locate the IUD.

The Next Generation of IUDs

Scientists are working on intrauterine devices that could cut down on expulsion rates and bleeding. One promising new IUD is called the FlexiGard or Cu­Fix. It is frameless, consisting of six copper sleeves strung on a surgical nylon thread that is knotted at one end. This string of copper is then “harpooned” into the lining at the top of the uterus, using a notched needle. So far, insertion has proved difficult for doctors taking part in the studies because the needle must be pushed hard­but not too hard­ to attach the device.

Other modified and improved devices, including the French Ombrelle­250, the Cu­Safe (designed to be more flexible), and the TCu­380 Slimline (designed to make insertion easier), may also reach the market in the near future.


One Womans Law Suit



   One womans Law Suit.. The original link is below  

 A new federal lawsuit claims a woman suffered damage to her uterus and miscarried after having an intra-uterine device inserted two years ago. In a lawsuit filed Monday in Portland's U.S. District Court, Washington County resident April Rodriguez claims she had a Mirena brand IUD (pictured above) inserted on Oct. 14, 2005, by Dr. Mitchell Strauss, an obstetrician at PMG Columbia Women's Clinic in Southwest Portland. According to the lawsuit, Rodriguez saw her family physician on Jan. 9, 2006, and learned she was pregnant. The doctor could not find the IUD string, the lawsuit says. An ultrasound four days later revealed Rodriguez was five weeks pregnant and had no IUD in her uterus. An abdominal x-ray showed that the IUD had perforated Rodriguez's uterine wall and lodged itself below her diaphragm. After undergoing surgery to have it removed, Rodriguez miscarried on Jan. 24, 2006, the lawsuit says. Rodriguez isn't suing Strauss or her family physician. But she is suing Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., the Montville, N.J.-based makers of the Mirena IUD. The lawsuit, filed by attorney Linda Eyerman, seeks unspecified damages for Rodriguez's medical bills, injuries, suffering and emotional distress. A spokeswoman from Bayer declined to comment.


FDA slaps down drug companies for unfounded claims

January 14, 2010

Posted In: Dangerous Drugs , Product Defects/Recalls

By Robert M. Kisselburgh on January 14, 2010 9:51 AM | Permalink

Drug companies slapped by FDA

The FDA slapped the hands of some drug companies who just couldn't help themselves by claiming their drugs could do things that had not be proven, from unproven weight loss to better looks. The best one, as highlighted in the article, was Bayer which claimed women were "looking and feeling great" when they took its contraceptive Mirena. The FDA, not amused by the claims, told Bayer:

FDA is not aware of any evidence suggesting that women who are using Mirena for birth control look great or feel great. Patients using Mirena may experience various side effects, such as irregular bleeding, ovarian cysts, back pain, weight increase, breast pain/tenderness, and acne, in addition to the side effects indicated above.... If you do, in fact, have data to support these claims, you should submit them to FDA for review.

Keep up the vigilance, FDA.

Reported by Robert Kisselburgh, Mississippi Injury Attorney


Pasted from <>

Mirena Side Effects summary

Total Mirena reports: 8180.
Mirena FDA safety alerts: No.
                           Reported deaths: 12                    Reported hospitalizations: 1092.

Use this link to participate in Mirena Side Effects Poll or use this link to Submit a more detailed side effect report.


Comments to date: 37. Page 1 of 8.

Tomeka   North Carolina 

9:07am on Monday, July 20th, 2009

I was wondering if it was just me. I was on my way to call my doctor when I thought to check th computer for side effects (Just to see if I was having normal side effects). I had the mirena inserted January 09. I love the fact that my periods are...  »

Laura   Ireland

5:49am on Sunday, June 21st, 2009

I've just had my mirena removed after 3 yrs. i've had nothing but trouble since it was inserted. I've had irregular bleeding, periods lasting up to 10 days and a lot of pain a feeling of pressure in my lower abdomen. My OBGYN took me into hospital on...  »

JB   Unknown 

6:07am on Sunday, May 31st, 2009

I had the Mirena inserted May 15, 2009. 8 wks after the birth of my daughter, the insertion was very uncomfortable and since the I havn't stopped spotting. Also once in a while I get a stabbing pain in the lwr left part of my abdomen. I hope this is ... »

beth g   BUFFALO NY 

1:55pm on Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

I had mirena inserted oct 06 during my divorce. Wow I had nothing but problems. Very teary a lot(thought was divorce wasnt) very emotional. But the day inserted extreme pain I was doubled over i actually called my obgyn the next day said it was norma... »




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36 Responses to “Mirena Side Effects Poll and Discussion”

  1. Esther on August 31st, 2008 10:25 am

    i have had my IUD (Mirena) since 10/07..I am the worst i have ever been in my entire life.. I feel terrible, and i am losing my hair, and my memory! I have always been able to remember stuff, but as of today, i cant remember last week to save my life.. it is ridiculous what this thing has done.. my advice to anyone wanting to get Mirena.. RUN! do not get it, and dont let anyone talk you into getting it.

  2. Sarah on September 30th, 2008 8:12 pm

    Mirena does come with lots of ide effects that my obgyn did not tell me about. After 6 weeks straight of severe cramps that only went away with massive amounts of aleve( which tore my stomach up), back pain, constant bleeding, and generally feeling awful I finally got some relief. With that relief came acne, hypertension, and a lightly bloody discharge that only goes away 3 out of 7 days of the week. Your sex drive drops initially, but does get better. Progesterone is my only option after having blood clots because of the pill, but i’m not sure all this is worth it. My face looks terrible, I gained weight, and all of the above. Get your facts straight and make sure you are willing to suffer for this alternative contraceptive.

  3. Zena on November 16th, 2008 7:40 pm

    Severity of this product… Mirena IUD contraception & hormones!!!! I was not expecting to this extreme. Emotional roller coaster is scary. My understanding was mirena suppose to use a lowedose hormone but side effects with me are crazy. i knew side effects but up to this extreme? I am very healthy and nothing till today. All of a sudden since May08 weight gain, headaches that i never had before, heart palpitations, extreme anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia….its all scary. remove it; it is a relief. i feel like foreign inside me stepped out of my body and now i am different person, back to myself, feeling much better in last 5 months. noticing vision getting really blurry, nausea, loss of memory & concentration & having unexplained itching.

  4. crys on December 30th, 2008 11:28 am

    i was diagnosised with stage II dysplasia never had an abnormal papsmear i bleed every 2 weeks this was th worst thing i could have ever gotten when it was first inserted i bleeded for 3 month.

  5. Allison Duvio on December 30th, 2008 2:59 pm

    My IUD perforated my uterus wall. I’m looking for an information packet released by Mirena in 2007; for the information/side effect packet has been changed in 2008. Please email with any info to

  6. Laura on January 2nd, 2009 5:41 pm

    I’ve had hair loss ever since May of 2008! I chalked it up to dying my hair for years. My hairdresser was freaking out as to how much my hair had thinned out and she told me to use the hair product Nioxin. Well it didn’t do a thing after 8 weeks! I kept asking myself what is different since this all happened and it finally dawned on me Mirena!!!!! I’ve had my thyroid tested and other things and I’VE decided to have it taken out 1/5/09. Thanks for the comments Ladies, it sure explains other issues with this darn thing!

  7. uncectoligonyponia on January 3rd, 2009 7:03 am

    xqqnijcqjmagwbycwell, hi admin adn people nice forum indeed. how’s life? hope it’s introduce branch ;)

  8. net on January 17th, 2009 6:02 am

    I had bad side effects from mirena,thousands of women have been to my help site and left their stories about mirena,feel free to have a look at

  9. Tracie on January 21st, 2009 9:01 pm

    I had Mirena for about a month and a half. A few weeks after having it inserted I began having horrible discharge, a very strong smell of iron, massive pannic attacks, and hair loss. I told my doctor the day after I had it put in I wanted it removed because the thought of having a foreign object inside of me was giving me anxiety and I was experiencing an itching and poking feeling on the inside of my vagina. She told me to leave it in for a week or 2 to see how I felt. So I did. After the two weeks I made an appointment to have it removed. When I got to her office it was so packed and she was in surgery. I started having such a bad anxiety attack I had to leave. After my hair began falling out in the biggest handfuls I have ever seen I made another appointment about 2 weeks out. After about a week and a half the hair loss was so severe I went into her office and told her I wanted it removed NOW. I even brought all of my hair in a plastic bag to show her and she told me it was normal. I am a licensed cosmetologist and I know that the amount of hair, between 700 to 900 strands per day in the shower alone, is not even close to being normal. I am so outraged that Mirena does not list any of these symptoms as side effects in their insert. Something has to be done. Other women who are considering this as a form of birth control need to be informed of these possible side effects.

  10. Melanie on January 23rd, 2009 4:35 pm

    I had the Mirena for 3 years….and I wish I had found these postings about how much damage it could cause before I agreed to implant it.

    My doctor mentioned NOTHING of the MANY side effects I had over the years while it was in cystic acne, weight gain, no libido at all, mood swings, EXTREME fatigue all the time no matter how much exercise or healthy food I ate.

    I had it removed two months ago and luckily many of these symptoms are gone now but I am sorry to say the acne is still troubling my face

    Whatever you do please take the time to research this dangerous product. I realize everyone’s body reacts different but how can so many women be having all these issues (in the rare case fatal) if this drug is not dangerous.

    I only wish I had known all the facts instead of trusting my former OBGYN….I dropped him like a hot potato after he removed it and honestly have considered filing a malpractice suit against him several times!


  11. Jenna Cricket on January 25th, 2009 8:17 am

    I’ve had Mirena for over two months. The only problem has been continuous spotting and bleeding which seems to be decreasing over time. I also have light pain or discomfort around the uterus. Other than that, I’ve had no problems with Mirena. My moods are normal, acne is the same as before and I’ve lost 8 pounds over that time without trying.

  12. Kathy on January 26th, 2009 7:57 am

    I have had the Mirena since April 2005 (almost 4 years now). I have had relatively no side effects, though I do have the occasional bleed after sex.
    I do have concerns though, after reading these comments. I recently had a pap smear, and after having 4 children I have never had an abnormal smear in my life. My last pap smear returned low grade cervical changes. I am now strongly considering having my Mirena removed. Someday I’d like to remarry and have more children (if possible now).
    Research does wonders. I think I would rather have my period.

  13. Jenny on January 28th, 2009 11:31 pm

    I had my Mirena IUD inserted 5 months ago, 4 months after the birth of my second child. A month and a half ago I ended up with a bad UTI that had spread to my kidneys. Now the UTI is gone but I have chronic pelvic and lower back pain. Im currently on pain meds and have taken 3 different antibiotics. Nothing is working. I’m thinking it may be PID. Never had any problems till the insertion of the IUD (which im getting out)and dont suggest any woman has one put in

  14. pam burnes on February 6th, 2009 5:53 pm

    i thought i was crazy until i see your stories i have had so much problems it is sad not only have i suffered but my husband and 2 kids have as well cause when mom’s not happy no ones happy i am glad that i found this web site if you was to e-mail me its

  15. Mag on February 12th, 2009 1:43 am

    I had a Mirena inserted June of 2008. For the first 5 months I had heavier than normal periods and spotting everyday. My doctor told me to wait it out for 6 months before making my decision whether to take it out or not.

    The bleeding eventually stopped. I do have lighter than normal periods.

    I am a 24 year old mother of 1. I have no libido at all, and I am having crazy mood swings. After searching through tons of webpages on Mirena side effects, I can’t seem to find anything on moodswings. Would my Mirena be causing this?

  16. A.J. on February 12th, 2009 1:04 pm

    I had Mirena put in just one week ago. Exactly 3 months after the c-section of my 5th child.I have had a headache everyday since, I have noticed a difference in my smell, I have lots of pain and cramping especially close to my ovaries, and my lower back is killing me. I have had hot flashes all week and I am a maniac! Extremely irritable and feel ANGRY inside. Also easily made to cry. However my libido seems to be aggressive.
    I am giving this a short time more for the effects to lessen or subside if they do not or this gets worse I will have it removed immediately.

  17. Kate on February 15th, 2009 5:52 am

    After 3 months I’m going to see my Dr tomorrow to talk about having the Mirena removed. I had the Mirena inserted 5 months after the birth of my second child on the recommendation of my GP. I bleed for 3 weeks in a month since I had the IUD inserted where I normally had a period that was 3 days and light. Other symptoms - I feel extremely tired (not just Mum up to baby tired), could cry at the drop of a hat, have shocking PMS, feel vague, elevated blood pressure, bloating and cramps in my lower abdomen that are getting worse each month and the psoriasis I normally have on my scalp flared up on other parts of my body within 4 days of having the IUD inserted (started on my arms and is now on my legs and back). The ONLY plus of this IUD was that I had a set and forget method of contraception. I’m asking for a referral to have my tubes tied!!!!!

  18. admin on February 15th, 2009 10:00 pm

    We are launching a new community website focused on making drugs safe,, and we are inviting everyone to participate in Mirena Side Effects support group.

  19. Chandra on February 16th, 2009 3:59 pm

    I had my Mirena inserted 6 weeks after my second daughter was born. (Mid April ‘08) So I have had it for almost a year now. I have noticed certain things like occasional spotting with small clots after sex. I am tired all the time… Ready for bed at 7 and not wanting to get up at 7am. I had some mood swings, but not too bad. Sometimes, like last night, during sex, when my fiance inserts it gives me a sharp pain on the right side like someone is stabbing me. Also my libido is definately reduced. I am never in the mood and it is affecting my relationship. After seeing this site, I am definately getting mine removed. I would like to WANT to have sex again!!! Thanks for all the info.

  20. Ester on February 20th, 2009 2:10 pm

    I had Mirena for almost 2 years. Last breast exam presented a 1cm nodule which had me quite worried for breast cancer. I had removed the Mirena a couple of months ago and the nodule is gone.

  21. missy on February 21st, 2009 9:33 pm

    I had the Mirena incerted in July 2008 and bleed everyday from July thru end of September. I still have regular periods every month. I have had terrible burning down my right leg sometimes to where i cant stand, and terrible pain in my right side {at my ovary} in december i had a regular pap done and the doctor felt a cyst. she had a vaginal ultrasound which my doctor said showed a lot of cyst on both ovaries the left sided looked normal but the right “looked funky” she also found a lump in my right breast which she sent me to have biopsed. she asked that i come back to the office 3wks from that date and have another vaginal ultrasound which i did and she tells me that i need surgery on the cyst but i have no insurance so she is going to have me come back 3/23/09 to have another sono and see if the cyst is still there. Like i said I have no insurance so the cost of all the medical bills that this has caused me…..the insertion was almost $1,000.00 the office visits in December and January {including both vaginal ultrasounds} $945.00. I also had to have a sono on the lump on the breat which was $93.00 which came back “not normal” and i had to have a mamogram which was $230.00. which also came back not normal, then sent to a surgion who did a breast exam and charged me $200.00 to tell me that i needed a biopsy. I called the cancer inst. and they said that if i went thru there doctors they would pay for the biopsy. I did go thru there doctors and last week found out that the lump is benign!!!! THANK GOD. Now i just have to go get get these cyst taken care of. I also have other side effects that everyone else is speakin of…loss of sex drive, joint pain, tired. The thought of having to pay $600 - $800.00 to have this removed is killin me! i would like to take it out myself but i’m afraid! I think i am going to wait and see what this ultrasound shows in March but I know that the cyst is still here, the burning in my leg is and the pain. I have told my docttor about this several times and they just dont seem concered. let me know if anyone else has had the burning.

  22. kristy Picornell on February 25th, 2009 8:30 pm

    I went to have my Mirena IUD removed after 4yrs and 5 months and was told that it had migrated and embedded it’s self into my uterus. The doctor said I would have to go for surgery to have it removed under general anesteheia. Has anyone had this problem and is there anything I can do to hold the manufacturer responsible for this?

  23. Leigh D. on March 9th, 2009 5:04 pm

    Well, I can’t be sure it’s Mirena but wondered if anyone else had emotional meltdowns…I had the Mirena inserted in November of 2008 to help with my low iron. Aside from constant spotting and some days that kind of feel like a period (almost like a regular flow, but really really dark blood) I haven’t noticed much in the way of side effects…but a day or two before the dark flow comes I’m generally an emotional wreck. I never had PMS or anything before. Cramps sometimes and sure you might get a little cranky, but I’m almost irrational with feeling overwhelmed and upset and weepy and wanting to escape or - well, I dunno, it’s just really bad! I wonder if anyone else feels they have become moody, depressed, etc. and have thought it had something to do with their Mirena. I’ll be 42 next month and wonder about the early side of “that time of life” too - I’m just curious about anyone else’s experience. I’m scared about the way I’m feeling, like I’m losing control or that everything is “unreal.” I close my eyes and random images just run across my brain and it’s making me feel insane! Now, it could be stress, the economy, single parenting, etc. but I did notice that I feel like I’m really losing it right before I have that weird sluggish black/brown bleeding that seems to come every three weeks or so since I’ve had the Mirena. If you’ve experienced anything like this, please respond!

  24. Jen G on March 12th, 2009 2:33 pm

    I had my mirena inserted in Feb 08 after my daughter was born. It was very painful and took the dr two tries because my body kept pushing the first one out. I had AF when it was inserted and never again since then. I thought it was great at first. I loved the idea of feeling more in control of when I would have more children.

    At first the only side effect I noticed was an occasional sharp abdominal pain. However, as time progressed I began feeling worse and worse, and it has only been in the last month or so that I realized it was related to the iud. First of all, despite increased exercise and a far healthier diet, I managed to somehow gain about 30 pounds. I also had no energy, had aches and pains ALL over ALL the time, including bad headaches almost everyday. I lost my ability to concentrate, felt like I was constantly in a fog, was depressed, and totally lost my sex drive.

    After about 9 months or so of having it in, I also began getting all the pregnancy symptoms… lots of bloating, sore breasts, cravings, I could smell everything, etc… and without a period, it’s impossible to know when I have something to be concerned about, or if it’s just a side effect. Luckily, I never got pregnant with it, because the thought of getting pregnant with the iud in is a scary one, and considering I’m typically VERY fertile, it says something for it that it worked so well.

    I felt, however, like I completely lost control of my body. I finally went in to see my obgyn three days ago. She seemed very suprised that I wanted it out (even though the nurse said she hears those complaints all the time with Mirena), but I told her I felt like my body was all out of whack, so she removed it. It was extremely quick and I didn’t even feel her remove it. I have already gotten my first AF in over a year and my body is beginning to feel normal again. Ladies, I’m sure this works better for some than others, but PLEASE do your research before you make the decision to try this, and if the fear of having it removed is keeping you from removing it, remember even if it does hurt you will feel much better later!!!

  25. Lynn Faust on March 12th, 2009 7:30 pm

    I had the Mirena for 18 mons. In that time I gained 15 lbs in 3 months, I was depressed and wanted to kill everyone all the time and then I started bleeding lightly almost continuously where I had been as regular as clockwork before. I finally forced my doctor to take it out and put the regular IUD back in. Almost immediately I went back to being normal, regular and happy. I still am having problem losing the weight I gained but I guess I can’t have everything! Don’t use this product every!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Chandra on March 17th, 2009 7:15 am

    Well, I had my IUD removed on 3-11-09 and I am already noticing a difference. I don’t feel the need to go to bed at 7pm anymore, and the sex drive is already returning. My doctor told me it would be about 3-4 weeks before I had my period and my body started getting back to normal, but that was a wednesday and I started bleeding on Friday. It stopped on Sunday, but returned heavier yesterday (Monday). Not only is the bleeding heavier, I have has several dime to nickel sized blood clots with it. I am sure that it will fade, I was just not expecting it. Also the cramps that came with it were almost unbearable. I never had bad cramps. I guess after not having a period since August last year it is coming back with a vengance. I have decided that I will never interfere with the way my body was intended to work again, it just screws things up.

  27. Shakira on March 18th, 2009 5:29 am

    Hi everybody. After reading the blogs on the website last week, I realised that all the problems I was having stemmed from the IUD (mirena). You name the side effect, I had it. Was just so exhausted of feeling unwell and all these aches and pains. Well anyway I had it removed yesterday and was so releived. It hurt a little and immediately after it was removed i had a really terrible cramp that i had to wait out. After i got dressed and went back into the gynaes office, he informed my husband and myself that i now had an infection in my uterus because the IUD didn’t agree with me. So now I’m still in pain and utter discomfort even thought its out. I hate this product. Something that causes so much pain going in can’t be good for us. Please ladies take heed before using an IUD especially this one. I don’t know whats in store for me next with regards to the infection i now have but lets pray and hope that it heals with the medication.

  28. Kristin on March 18th, 2009 1:14 pm

    I had my first Child in October. I am a single mom so I decided that I wanted the Mirena.. I had it put in On March 4th, 2009… I’m going to get it removed today. I made it two weeks.. to the day. This thing sucks. I have soars in my mouth, egzma on my hands, I’ve gained nearly 6 pounds and its all in my stomach.. (i had a flat stomach after delivery!), my hair is falling out, it smells like i have rust coming out of me, my face is breaking out like a pepperoni pizza.. Mirena is terrible… i just called my doctors office and told them I need it out today.. i didn’t have any bakc pains or anything, but this is just crazy to keep going like this.. I’m miserable all the time! STAY AWAY FROM MIRENA!!!

  29. Riana on March 26th, 2009 12:01 pm

    Hello. I am sooo angry at myself for not investigating the mirena before I had it put in. I usually do my homework, but I figured that I had never heard any bad about it so I was ok. I had mine inserted about a month ago. During that time I have had a really wacky period, in that it started really light. I thought that was it, then it got heavier and has been that way for awhile now. I can’t remember when it started cause I figured it would just be really light and then go away. I have no sex drive at all. I thought it was just with my partner and considered breaking up with him, but I don’t want to have sex at all. Which is not normal for me. I have been a little depressed lately and somewhat emotional. On the verge of tears a lot and I am no cryer. I have not wanted to do anything at all, just sit on my but. My eyes look terrible ( i am 26), fortunately I didn’t get the acne. I also noticed a smell from the blood that is not nice and has only been with this first period after the mirena was inserted. Normally that is something I wouldn’t share, but I found other sites of women with the same complaint and wanted to share in case someone else was having this same problem. I am going to give it until my yearly checkup (this next month I think)to decide if I really want it out. See if the symptoms mellow out for me. Hopefully I can make it until then, but I hope this helps someone else into knowing that you are not crazy, I am going through the same thing.

  30. TenNineDitzy on March 28th, 2009 9:58 pm

    I just had Mirena taken out due to major discomfort in my abdomen that they couldn’t find out the cause of, they did lots of tests and other stuff and I have some headache issues that are not related to Mirena or I would blame my never ending headaches on it too, but I know that those are because of my other issues but I am sure the hormone in Mirena didn’t help it and I did bring that up as a concern with my OB/GYN when we discussed this as a possibility for me and we thought because it was “localized” it wouldn’t affect me so much. WRONG! Well, I got it in 6 wks Post Partum after having my C-section birth 2-23-08 and had it taken out 3-26-09. My abdominal issues already feel releived and I am not in so much pain. I am having some strange spotting now, when it was taken out I had no spotting at all just a light pink streak on a panty liner (we were sexually active a few times that day) and now this morning I started spotting bright red, but it has stopped and I feel a little crampy. I am hoping I don’t have the major bleeding I have read some have experienced after having it removed! My OB/GYN did not think that the Mirena was responsible for any of my symptoms but was willing to take it out. Now my insurance was willing to pay for it put in, BUT NOT to have it removed, EVEN THOUGH it has had me in and out of the Doctor for months now!! So I have a $179 bill for getting it removed. Luckily it was in one piece and didn’t have to go to pathology, that would have been and extra $600!!!

  31. BJ on April 2nd, 2009 2:19 pm

    I recently went to the ER with tingling in my arms and legs along with transient aphasia (unable to verbalize), weakness and a panick attack. I have had the Mirea in since 2006. I haven’t had any issues with Mirena and hoping that my current symptoms are not from it, however I have never experienced anything like this and that is the only med/foreign item in my body or that is constant! I am scheduled to have a MRI and EEG next week to rule out anything else. However after reading lot of posting and speaking with my sister (Nurse)- I am starting to lean towards Mirena causing these issues. Has anyone had these types of systems. I would love to hear from you

  32. Charli S on April 5th, 2009 11:25 am

    Hi! What a relief - im not going mad after all! Had Mirena inserted - cant remember when (lol- cant remember anything anymore), must be 4 years now. Bled for 6 months, what a way to “cure” iron deficiency? Since then my health has gone beserk. Gained 25 kg, gone up from size 14 dress to 20/22 with no change in diet, i’ve been a small eater all my life. All i learnt from this is that some percentage of thin people have the tendency to be extremely rude and hurtful to us fatties. Got my libido back last year, for a while, but its gone again. I’m always tired and so depressed. Have changed from happy cheerful person to a negative person who gets avoided because of anger outbursts and mood swings. My family is also suffering a lot. On bad occasions have slept most of the weekend, and still felt tired. Thyroid is also packing up- suffering from hypothyroidism, and have to cope with that symptoms as well. Till i found this site i thougt it was my thyroid causing all the nonsens. Im making an appointment to have the mirena out asap. Also have massive bloodloss, clots almost the size of my hand palm, and the horific smell. Im just fedup, dont know myself anymore. I want my life back.

  33. Jenni on April 10th, 2009 9:13 am

    I had Mirena inserted a month ago about 3 months after the birth of my first child. It was recommended to me from my OBGYN because i had a tendancy to forget to take the pill, im allergic to condoms (not sure whether its the latex or the lubricant) and my periods tend to be quite heavy and long and she told me they would lighten and shorten. I found the insertion to be extremely painful to the extent that i almost passed out. For the first 48 hours i had EXTREME lower back and abdominal pain - it felt like i was in active labour. Thankfully that finally slowed down and eventually stopped. Since then i was been constantly bleeding - its a mixture of normal menstral blood and a brown clotty mucus. I have had mood swings, tiredness and nausia as well. Luckily i have not had the severe side effects i read in these blogs but after reading them i have decided to have it removed immediately. Its just not worth the risk. Im so angry that the OBGYN, the doctor that inserted it and the Mirena information pamphlet did not warn against these side effects.

  34. ALWelsh on May 26th, 2009 1:48 pm

    Since having the mirena inserted I have had very few, if any side effects. I spotted for approximately two weeks, and haven’t had a period since! My moods, weight, hair, memory have all stayed as they were before insertion.
    Also, I was told that since I have not had children, insertion would be incredibly painful. Instead, it was a brief discomfort late was approximately 3 10 second burst.
    From the post above it seems as if a lot of women have issues with this birth control method, but I highly recommend it and think its definetely worth it!

  35. Patricia Larkin on June 1st, 2009 12:30 pm

    Help! I have had the mirena for about two years recently I start passing blood clots. Is this a serious side effect?


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