Some of the Horror Stories from other sites. 


From Empowerher....




Way to go, net! Starting your own page to help women find one another and information is an awesome way to take charge.

For those using the Mirena IUD or who are interested in the known side effects, here's a link to the list on

The most common side effects listed are uterine/vaginal bleeding (including spotting, irregular bleeding, heavy bleeding, oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea) and ovarian cysts. These side effects are reported in about 10% of patients.

About 5% of patients reported such side effects as abdominal, pelvic, back or breast pain or tenderness, vaginal discharge, nausea, headaches, weight increase, acne, decreased libido, depressed mood, vulvovaginitis, dysmenorrhea and hypertension. The site also lists side effects experienced in less than 5% of the population.

Never forget that every individual can react differently to every drug, and to talk to your doctor if you're concerned about any negative side effects.

Let me tell you after trying the pill after my first child, I switched after my second child to the copper iud, which was painful for me the first couple of months but after I was used to it; My periods were regular, some cramping now and then. Finally after 5 years I had it removed. I gave birth to my last child and the doctor said the only option for iud was the mirena, I expressed my concerns about hearing bad things about it but he said it is the same as the iud. So I went for it. After having it inserted I went to the doctor for the last check up 2 weeks after insertion, the doctor checked my mirena and he was surprised. He ordered an XRAY right away to find out if the mirena was still in place. I went for the x-ray, they told me I had nothing inside. So I was like GREAT IT FELL OUT. This is what the dr said as well. It must have spilled out. I was a little concerned as i never remember anything coming out, but with the pain I had those first 2 weeks I was glad it was gone. Then I went to a different place, to get birth control.....back to the pill. I tried that for 2 months and i was getting tingling in my legs arms hands, feet and face, so they adv to stay off the pill for a month and we would try something different they gave me condoms and "films". So I told my husband and he said that was fine, he was like we will have one last child. (since they don’t have to carry them *wink wink *) Believe me we tried "like rabbits" for those 2 years and I would just get more depressed each month as I took pregnancy test after test. I seriously had thought that maybe they did a tubal litigation and I did not know anything about it. I mean as far as i have tried I have always been able to get pregnant, I as so depressed this was back in fall 2006. After the baby i had lost 20 pounds I had put on. Now we are in fall 2008 since then I have gained more weight and am at the heaviest i have ever (NEVER) been 265lbs . For those of you who know how much it sucks just to go up even 5 lbs, you know this was devastating to me. I was always at 175, and then 195 after my second baby. Ok so during those 2 years i continued with my face tingling, hands, feet, sometimes feeling dizzy or lightheaded. I thought it was my sugar, but no, this continued for about 6 different episodes during that time. Also i experienced depression, fatigue, loss of sexual interest due to that pain in the abdomen when having sex. Not to mention my period on and off all month long every month. It was never a regular period but a "spotting" EVERY other day. Sometimes i would get it at night and by the morning it would have stopped and sometimes it would switch and get it in the morning and by the evening it was gone. those were the worst 2 years of my life. Finally this year my husband pushed me to go see yet a different doctor and the doctor ordered a D & C procedure. He said due to the irregular periods he would do a cleaning. HERE COMES THE BIG SPIN: when i was in the recovery i heard the nurse talking to the other nurse who was relieving her about my procedure she was like : a D & C ....and a iud removal..... I WAS LIKE WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???? Oh yeah they removed your iud.
I am so furious, I mean thankful to my new doctor but I swear I would just want to go back to my old doctor to throw the damn thing in his face. I will go in for a check up in one week with my new doctor for a post op and let you know where we will take things from here. As for my husband and family this was a huge surprise as well. And yes again my husband was like we can have another baby. He was so happy, I of course said, BOY YOU ARE CRAZY. First I want to get some of this excess weight down before I have my last child. ;)


Posted at 8:57 AM on Oct 11, 2009 by alexi9

Many of the Mirena's negative side effects were not posted on their website or in their brochure 2-3 years ago when some of us had it inserted. Also, many of the negative side effects do not appear for many until after having the Mirena a good 6 months to a year. For those who want to be critical and negative please realize, these issues/effects are not just created or in these women's minds. They are very real and very very difficult to deal with both physically and emotionally. Yes, the Mirena has worked great for some women(including my best friend) but it has also been a very horrific experience for others, including myself. I had it removed 3 weeks ago after having it for 3 years and I really do feel so much better.


Pasted from <>

Thank you for your story - this was shocking to read!

Are you saying the Mirena that doctors had assumed had 'fallen out' was inside you all the time and the x-rays never picked it up?!

No wonder you felt bad, had odd spotting, weight gain and couldn't get pregnant! And how unsafe...this may explain all that dizziness - way too much birth control in your system.

I really do think you should go back to the original doctor and let him know what happened - this is something he absolutely should know!

Good luck with your weight loss and getting pregnant again. And please let us know what happens with your next doctor visit.

I am having trouble losing weight as well,I put on 2 stone and before mirena I NEVER had a problem with my weight.
Re, The Lost IUD,I have read lot of stories where the same sort of thing has happened to other women the doctors think if they cant find the strings or cant see it in the uterus its fallen out,I think if it cant be found an xray should be done,just like the poor girl on my site where it was finally found entangled in here intestines.And there ar other stories as well.
Im so sorry that this happened to you and I think Mirena should be banned,its ruining too many lives.
All the best,Net


Dear net,
I am glad to hear that you started your own site as well, but wanted to caution readers not to believe everything you read! An IUD placed in the uterus can not possibly get "entangled in [a woman's] intestines"! It's basic anatomy..the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tube and ovaries do not open to the intestines.

I'm all for empowering women to find credible information, and to share stories and experiences...but there are so many women who do not understand how their bodies work, that I really do not want to share misinformation!

Here is a diagram of the female anatomy (just a medical drawing):


Hi Alison,below is the link to the blog about the girl who had to have her IUD removed from her intestines,Warning, Medical Pictures are Graphic.
I also have other pics on my site from the operations to remove the IUD that is in a bladder and a video of removal of IUD in abdomen.
Yes the IUD perforates the uterus.


Hi, ran across this post randomly, but I have to point out that as a medical student on my OB/gyn rotation I assisted in two seperate laproscopic surgeries in which we discovered an IUD that had found its way from the uterues, through a fallopian tube, and out into the abdominal cavity where it had implanted itself in the intestinal mesentery. It is indeed possible and happens with some frequency.

The fallopian tube is not completely sealed to the ovary in a normal person, it is just sort of draped over it. This also explains why some women can have abdominal pregnancies (a medical emergency) when the fertilized egg accidently gets out of the fallopian tube and implants somewhere in the abdomen.

Hi ,I dont know if it was explained properly but the IUD perforates the Uterus,I have had a few stories of it happening on my site,with pictures of it in the wrong place,and have read many more.
I know you cant believe everything you read but when the pictures are there from the removal operation I believe it and the horror stories from the women its happened to.


Wow! Thank you for sending this is hard to believe without seeing the pictures.

It does make much more sense that the uterus was perforated by the IUD...I'm surprised this is not better known as a side effect...and a very dangerous one, at that!

Thanks again for sharing, and helping to educate women on this very serious danger. I will read more about it, and am wondering how often this happens (1 in a million? 1 in 100?), and if there is a way to prevent this, for women who do choose to use an IUD.


Thankyou alison,I just want women to know the possible side effects,it seems to be getting a lot more common now,more like 1 in a 100 from what I have seen.

Glad you started a web site on the side effects. I did lots of research on the Mirena before I got it but there wasn't much information at the time and most of it was positive. Women need to be informed!

I just got my Mirena taken out two weeks ago and am back on the Nuva Ring now. I had the Mirena in for the full 5 years. When I first got it in 2004 I went through a bunch of other life changes at the same time so I wasn't sure if the Mirena was causing my problems, until now.

I never had a problem with acne before but normally had occasional break outs that I used zit cream for. When I got the Mirena my skin started drying up. At first I thought it was a good thing, but it got too dry. I still had occasional break outs, but instead of going away with the zit cream like normal, each zit would (without any zit cream) dry up, crack and peel. If I picked at it or even scratched it, it would ooze and bleed for at least half an hour. It also took about 2 weeks to a month to heal. I tried tons of different kinds of lotions, moisturizers, face washes, tried changing my diet, tried changing my facial care routine, tried holding my face over steaming water every day to get the moisture back, everything short of seeing a dermatologist, nothing helped. I had to start wearing makeup because I was getting scars all over my chin and cheeks (never had zit problems there before). I was almost daily up to an hour and a half late to work waiting for my face to stop bleeding and trying to cover up the scabs and scars. Since having the Mirena taken out last week, even with the Nuva Ring in now, my complexion is normal again. I am no longer having any zit problems, no more bleeding or oozing, and all my spots are almost completely healed up already! I can't believe it when I look in the mirror. The only thing that changed was getting the Mirena taken out.

Also since getting the Mirena I struggled with my weight more. I've always been a very healthy eater, very fit person, and have always stayed close to my ideal weight. I had the Nuva Ring for a year before the Mirena, which made it a teeny bit more work to lose weight when needed, but didn't give me much problem. The Mirena gave me much more problem. In the last year or two my appetite suddenly increased so much that I gained 10 pounds no matter how hard I worked to keep it off and to exercise more. I would still be hungry after my stomach couldn't take any more food. My belly hurt almost all the time. Some days I wouldn't be able to walk the dog. Everything that used to work to lose weight was no longer working. In the two weeks since getting the Mirena out my appetite is returning to normal and I have started loosing the weight, more easily than I ever have in the last 5 years. I seem to be getting more out of my weight lifting too.

With the Mirena I also would get very easily stressed out, irritable, and unbelievably paranoid. I've always been a pretty calm, chill person normally but the last two years with the Mirena was emotional torture. I would have crazy mood swings. I often had bouts of depression and I'd break down crying over the stupidest little things. I kept thinking everyone was out to get me in some way. Every few months I'd have a great big nervous breakdown and cry fest. It drove my husband and I crazy. This last two weeks has been tranquility in comparison.

With the Nuva Ring, I had less of a libido, but with the Mirena what little libido I had went away to almost nothing. Back on the Nuva Ring, it's still kinda low but much better now.

I did save a bunch of money on feminine hygeine. In the last 5 years I went through about 3 regular sized boxes of panty liners and that's it.

I am a 38 yo woman with no children (yet) who chose to use the Mirena IUD as a safeguard and also because I have pretty much tried everything else out there as far as BCs go and can't tolerate anything. I have been a migraine sufferer for almost 20 years. I got the Mirena IUD inserted about two years ago and have to say, at first, the usual side effects I expected were fine. I had the usual spotting, cramps, etc. but no weight gain (thankfully) and no skin issues (again, thankfully); my sex drive was even good. However, like clockwork, every month, before my period, I get a migraine. I still do with the Mirena and have actually gotten two in one month within the past six months or so. Anyway, for about 6 months now, after the usual PMS symptoms and slight period, I continue to have the cramping and AWFUL lower back pain. The cramps wake me up at night out of a dead sleep and are almost burning cramps. I also have moodiness, my usual headaches every month, anxiety (never had that before but it does run in the family) and again, the cramps and back pain. Honestly, the lower back pain has been a constant since the IUD was put in. While I do have a bit of a stressful life, what with a full time job, home life that can be really trying at times, etc., I figured the symptoms were a result of that. The headaches, anxiety, cramps, etc. I just figured maybe it was a combination of the Mirena side effects I was told about as well as the stress. I am seriously considering taking it out. I am nervous because while I want to have a child and my BF seems to be on the same page, it's a HUGE step. I worry now what my body will be like after this is removed; will I be able to get pregnant, will it be difficult, etc. Again, factor in serious stress over thinking about it all. I just can't go on with the pain that I'm having and continue to have every month. I am a very calm, rational, fairly mellow person but I feel as though I have changed and think it could be a result of the Mirena and it's side effects. Any advice anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Hey, everyone I have a question. I had my mirena put in december last year. at first everything was fine. for the last 2 months i have been spotting once to twice a day. sometimes every two to three days. every time i spot i have horrible cramps that make me pretty much unable to do much. I don't have insurance and am wondering if i should go to the doctor.

HI, I am 25 years old and had the mirna put in in april 2009. About 3 days after I became very depressed i loked up some side affects online and it said I would feel that way, along with wieght gain and loss of sex drive. I ws 191 when I first got pregnant and 184 two weeks after I had him. I was excited!! I went back to the doctor and asked him to remove the mirana because of my mood swings and the wieght gain. He told me that there ws no possible way that it could make those things happen because it had only a tiny bit of hormone in it to thin out the uterine wall. i am now on welbutren and 212lbs!! Isnt there a way to sue this company because of thier failure to list these side affects?? NOT ONLY DOES IT CAUSE WIEGHT GAIN... BUT DEPRESSION??? I CAN SAY I AM MORE DEPRESSED BECAUSE I AM NOW AN OBIEST PERSON!!My fiance tells me its fine all the time but i feel completly uncomfortable in my own skin. i cnt even bring my self to buy new clothes because i went from a size 11 to a 18 in 3 months!! I don't like to see old friends because I know as soon as my back is turned they will sy things bout how big I have gotten. Now, I have no insurunce or the money to hve this thing removed!!

One of the most complained about side effects of the Mirena IS weight Gain,Depression,I started a help site with hundreds of stories from women with the SAME side effects.
google .........



I'm so sorry you are having these side effects. Mirena works well for some women, but certainly not for all women so if it's not working for you, you do need to get it out as soon as possible and go on a different method of birth control.

Weight gain is not on the "common side effects" list from Bayer's (the makers of Mirena) website, but "other side effects" need to be discussed with your doctor, according to the manufacturers. Weight gain is listed here. A lawsuit over weight gain while using medication is not usually a winnable case since so many medications can cause weight gain and is usually considered a side effect that the patient accepts the possibility of, when they agree to take the medication.

At least 5% of women on Mirena gain weight but since weight gain is so common anyway, the weight gain cannot be fully attributed to Mirena.

Where do you live? We can help you find a free clinic that can remove this for you and set you up with other birth control options.



Ok, so I had this little "evil" thing put in May of 2007, at firs...

Posted at 7:32 AM on Jul 24, 2009 by dch922
Ok, so I had this little "evil" thing put in May of 2007, at first it was fine and I hardly noticed it. Well, except for the not having a period, then having all the brown goopy stuff I suppose it was a period I guess. I went back and forth between nothing and episodes of this. I used to refer to my symptoms as having a "mock" period cause my body wanted to have one but I wasn't. I told my doctor I thought something was wrong at my annual in January of 2008 because I couldn't loose weight, I was tired, my migraines came back, my back hurt, my boobs hurt. She told me I needed to have my thyroid checked and ran all kinds of tests. I dismissed it all, but in the back of my mind I thought it was because of this little "evil" piece of plastic. I'm sorry but not having a period is NOT normal. I lived with the "side effects" and at my annual in February of 2009, I had gained more weight, even though I was taking fat burners, working out, and watching my eating habits. Then about 3 months ago, I started experiencing the worst pain possible. Always around the end of the month when I was having my "mock" period symptoms. It was so bad I could barely stand up. My mood swings were HORRIBLE, my husband and I fought a lot. It keep getting worse. After repeatedly telling him that I thought this was all due to this IUD, he dismissed it until this month, when I could barely stand up because of the pain. He finally said take it out. I am getting it taken out today at 10 am and I am counting the minutes. I thought I was crazy, and that this was all in my head. I finally told my husband that I am taking it out and our fertility is in Gods hands. I have an 18 year old daughter, and a 19 year old son. They are grown and gone, he has 2 children from a previous marriage that he never sees. I am 38 years old and have resolved myself to the fact that if I become pregnant it is Gods will for my life, but in the mean time I will be rid of this "evil" thing and all of the HORRIBLE side effects. To anyone reading this that is thinking of getting one, PLEASE don't, you will be sorry. I feel as though it was an ok option for me for about a year, not the 5 they say and it costs way to much money for only having a year. The side effects are horrible, you will experience them and you are NOT crazy.


tawana speller - 7/18/2009 2:51 AM
Hello ladies I just decided to look up this website about mirena side effects lastnight up until then I though I really losing my mind. I want to personally thank all of the women who shared their stories. I have had the mirena for 6 mnths. I am currently 180lbs 5lbs away from what i weighed when I was pregnant with my daughter who I had in January of 09. I am so moody i feel like im going crazy because i cannot control any of this. and the unbearable headaches. I have to shut everything down. I cannot function. I cant take proper care of my children during these headaches. I have just recently experienced the painful intercourse. I have tried so hard to get this weight off of me. I just cant get it off. I actually look like im 6mnths pregnant. I also have back pain like i have been in a car wreck. And a nuumber of other problems I had no idea were related to the mirena. So I just want to say thanks for giving me back my normal life. By the way I get my mirena out on the 30th. But until then I have a little piece of mind.THANKS LADIES!
monique - 7/17/2009 11:27 AM
Hello ladies!!! Like the rest of u I can relate to all of your symptoms. About 1year and a half ago I had the Mirena inserted 3months after I gave birth to my daughter. I had really bad cramping for about 4 days after I got it, but it felt like contractions that's how bad it hurt. My doctor who put it in told me that that was normal side effects and that it would go away and assured me that she had done this procedure numerous times before n to make sure thats what i wanted because women would get it n would want it taken out after a few months of having it because they would complain of having symtoms like headaches,migraines,painful intercourse,etc. but said that none of these problems were related to the Mirena that they just wanted something to blame it on. But like you young ladies I have been experiencing many problems that continue to get worse n they consist of numbness in hands n feet, severe migraines which i know take meds 4 n didn't have 2 before, moodiness,depression,severe back n abdominal cramping,a lot of weight gain,forgetfullness, and many other symptoms that i can go on n on about.I am very glad that I went on this site of horrific stories of the Mirena because it has deeply touched me in a way to now i dont feel like I'm loosing my mind because know i have closure knowing that the way i have been feeling like there is something wrong inside of me because of the Mirena. At this point i still have the Mirena but my complications with heavy bleeding and blood clots 4 2weeks now have continued and i went to the doctors and i am waiting on an approval 4 an ultrasound 2 see if it is still in place. Wether or not if it is or isn't I have made the decision to have the Mirena removed because of you brave young ladies who have shared your stories with me and everyone else. You guys brought tears to my eyes and I truely will pass on these stories to anyone who ever has thought about getting the Mirena. I have shared these stories and side effects with my husand and he has agreed that we should have it taken out because it is not worth all the health problems and possible death or infertility it can and has caused. My heart is out to all of you. God Bless!
Mirena HAS MOVED! - 7/16/2009 9:40 AM
I had the mirena placed 3 years and two months ago. Everything was fine afterward, I stopped having my period, no pain or problems. About 2 years to the date after insertion, I started having horrible pain in my stomach, the OB said it was ovarian cyts. That paid still comes and goes as it pleases. Last week, I started bleeding, called my OB, they said to come in for an ultrasound since I haven't had bleeding for 3 years. Went in this afternoon, looks like my IUD has moved into my cervix, Dr. wants to take it out and put another in, I said okay. I found this website and now I am nervous about having another one put in. Especially the blod the Dr. had on here about how the chemicals in it or foreign and it just does not sound safe. I will say unlike others I did not have any problems until the cysts and now it has moved.
Yatrice - 7/16/2009 2:24 AM
as i read these stories i am almost in tears which they are tears of joy because i might finally have a clue on whats wrong with me after i had my son which is 6 months now i got the mirena and everything has been going down hill h/b pressure, chest pain, fatigue, dizzy, thyroid, numbness, weight gain, low til no sex drive and its destroying my marriage bad mood, swings want to be left alone, its terrible and i think someone needs to pay for all of are precious lives been wasted on foolishness. thank you so much.
net robins - 7/13/2009 8:31 PM
I would get a check to see if your Mirena hasnt moved or perforated your uterus as soon as possible,please let us know how you go,Net.
Tiffany - 7/13/2009 1:28 PM
I had Mirena inserted in March. It was the most painful half hour of my life. My OBGYN finally had to sedate me because I was going in to shock. I bled for 2 weeks after the insertion but havent bled since (today being July 12th.). I have always been a very small girl. Im 5'10" and weighed 124 pounds the day I had it inserted. I now weigh 130 pounds and cannot shake it no matter what I do. I have not changed my eating habits one bit and have even begun exercising more frequently. My breasts are very tender and swollen. I constantly feel bloated and heavy. My hair has fallen out in clumps. I have severe water retention in my legs and fingers. I have suicidal thoughts and depression. I am getting married in January (or I should say, "I think Im still getting married in January.". My fiance and I fight all the tiem because I am always sad for no reason. I have a perfect fiance, perfect house, perfect job. I have no reason to be unhappy at all. And yet I still cry every night with no cause. I am having my Mirena removed on the 20th. Wish me luck.
Concerned - 7/12/2009 4:36 PM
I have had Mirena for six months now. I haven't experienced side effects that I know of. I had a lot of the symptoms several people have mentioned before I got the Mirena, the weight gain, the acne, excess hair and was diagnosed with PCOS. These symptoms are controlled by the pill so if you were on the pill and switched to Mirena, your symptoms may be from PCOS and not the Mirena. Just wanted to put that out there for your info, another piece of info if you will.
Anyway, insertion I found quite painful and I had spotting for a few days and nothing since. No period, nothing. I am not sure if this is because of the Mirena or because I am nursing, however, I nursed my daughter and my period was back like clockwork. I have also felt tired, but what mother of a baby isn't? My real concern is that for the last two weeks or so, I have had really bad cramping, like the start of a period, the cramps and the bad back pain, but no period. I am not sure why or what I should do. I am having the Mirena taken out soon regardless because we are almost ready to try for another baby. I was put on Mirena because I was misdiagnosed with PCOS and my doctor thought my issues were due to the pill so Mirena was a good option. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
net robins - 7/12/2009 3:48 PM
DD wait until you have had mirena in for a while and we will see.......
I do not eat to much I am on a strict diet,I NEVER had to worry about my weight until I had Mirena.
You DO Gain Weight from mirena did you read the side effects in the Mirena info pamphlet ???????? and all the other Mirena info site......
DD - 7/11/2009 10:46 PM
I am 46 with teins of my own and another 2 boys I am raising. I do not want to get pregannat and have a great relationship with lots of spontainious sex. I was using a regular IUD for 5 years and had no issues beides being with a week swelling before period and a a long and heavy priod. Tired of this all around me recomended the Mirena. My OB scared me and I felt i had no option. After looking at tis sight I was orrfied. Well-listen-It's only been a short while-I went to a quiet gentle OB who explained that he has inserted many wornmen and had few complaints-I was prepared for a painful insertion and knew that I could be in pain-Well truthfully it was very painful for 10 minutes (I gave natural birth to twins 12 hour labor!!!) spotted forseveral hours and have been fine since!! Had sex the next day. So please you guys are scaring the hell out of everyone. You don't gain weight from Mirena-you gain weight from eating- The hormone level is lower than the pill or pregnancy and the craving is in your minds-if real control it. Choose your OB!!! I hope to update you in the future and hope to proove the pesimists amongst us wrong
Effff - 7/10/2009 5:22 PM
I had mirena inserted 3 weeks ago, to reduce heavy periods.... the procedure wasnt too bad ...BUT I've been bleeding for the last 10 days, I have a constant lower backache and sciatic pain which is making it hard for me to move..... Ive searched the web to find some reassurance that what is happening is ok... now Ive just found this site and others and what Ive read is distressing...
jamie - 7/10/2009 12:40 PM
i have mirena and i'm glad to say it is comming out in aug. i have had weight gain, headaches, dizziness,horrible acne,water retention,and many other things. this should be taken off the market
ava - 7/10/2009 7:10 AM
i just got mirena last month and i still have really bad cramps. Ever since i got it inserted i have bumps down on my vagina. I also seem to have a huge lump that hurts that was never there before. I dont know if it has anything to do with Mirena but it all seemed to happen at the same time. the insertion was also very very painful.
Stephani - 7/9/2009 1:49 PM
I have the mirena now. I had it put in May 08. I spotted from May until August and since haven't had a "real" period which is the ONLY plus side to this thing. I have now nicknamed it the devil stick. I have gained 20 lbs in the past year. I can not eat enough...I have never ate like I do now. I weigh more after my 2 kids than I did pregnant. My mood swings are HORRIBLE if my husband and I make it thru this devil stick it will only be by the Grace of God!! I have notice my hair on my legs and armpits grows really fast now I have to shave every day which I hate to do. I now have noticed facial lip hair!! I also am experiencing a lot of acne issue between my breast and at my private area. I begged my OB to take it out last Sept and he talked me into keeping it so I am changing OB's and getting this devil stick out of me. It is the biggest mistake I have ever made!!!
Jessica - 7/9/2009 8:09 AM
I am 21 years old and have had my mirena for almost 3 years. I had it inserted after having my daughter due to complications with a blood clot and not being able to take other forms of birth control. The first year after having it inserted my skin broke out like crazy which I knew was an expected side effect. That to me wasn't really a huge deal and I just went to my dermatologist to have the problem fixed. Things seemed to be going fine for a while but within the past year I have been hospitalized for anxiety attacks and diagnosed with severe depression. (my husband says it's like I'm not even the same person anymore) I used to be very active and loved going to the gym and playing with my daughter but now have no energy to do anything. I've also been suffering from horrible low back pain that hurts all the way down into my legs, and have completely lost my sex drive. To make it even worse, when I do have sex it's almost too painful to even enjoy. I went from being a size 4 after having my daughter to a size 10 in a matter of months. I've spent thousands of dollars on medical bills trying to figure out what the problem is, and after seeing this site and reading other stories I think I know now. I will be calling my dr first thing tomorrow morning to have it removed!
Gina williams - 7/8/2009 2:20 AM
Please do not take the risk of using this thing it has ruined my life for three years. depression weight gain irratability flu like symptoms suicidal thoughts a very miserable time I have 2 boys 4 and 2and a half I missed out on a lot I think it needs to be talked about law suit time.
Jenn - 7/8/2009 1:29 AM
Thank you Ladies for all your stories. I was going to have the IUD put in when I decided to do some research on it and found this web site, and after reading all your stories, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing them because you have said me from alot of effects that the IUD brings on. Also I shared this website with my sister-in-law because she has the IUD and has all the same syptoms and couldn't figure out what was happening to her body, but after reading these stories she put two and two together and is now getting it removed.
Again ladies Thank you because of your stories you are helping so many women and I myself is very grateful!!
net robins - 7/7/2009 4:15 PM
Thankyou S.K.
net robins - 7/7/2009 4:11 PM
Radhs,You dont feel a thing when you get it removed, so dont worry.Its painless.
Take Care,Net.
Radhs - 7/7/2009 4:04 AM
Thanks for the stories ladies. I had mine for the past 7 1/2 years. I had inserted for 2 reasons. 1. heavey periods and 2. birth control. I am now 40 years old. During my first term I gained 27 lbs and now altogether I have gained 52 lbs. Not at all able to lose those weight. More over beggining of those years I felt so happy that I had no periods. But, I am kind of missing. And, Yes I did had the anxiety, ankle swelling, water gain all those side effects. Finally, I have decided to remove it and got the appointment July 23rd to remove it. Anyone have the experience of removal? Please share with me. I am scared now.
S.K. - 7/7/2009 3:14 AM
thanks everyone for sharing your storiesl. On the advice of my OB-GYN I was scheduled to have the Mirena IUD inserted next week to stop the chronic heavy periods I've had for years. After reading various postings for all of 10 minutes I was horrified (and I'm a nurse!). I've just called and canceled that insertion appointment. Please know that sharing these intimate and awful details has spared at least one person from being lead down the path suffering and false advertising that seems to be the halmark of this product. I will recomomend this website to anyone I know who EVER considers this method of birth/ bleeding control.
Sara - 7/4/2009 7:15 PM
I had Mirena inserted Oct of 2008 - 6 weeks after having my first baby. I was told by my OBGYN that I wouldn't have any weight gain - and there would be about 3 months of spotting after insertion.
So it was inserted - and the bleeding began. I bled everyday for 6 months - and it only stopped because I had Mirena removed. I wouldn't consider it spotting. I pretty much wore a tampon everyday for 6 months.
Along with the bleeding - I gained weight like crazy. Before insertion, I was 10lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. About a month after it was inserted, I'd gain a lbs here and there - so come January of 2009, I had put on 15lbs! I flipped out and went on a strict diet and exercise regimen. I was disappointing everytime I'd get on the scale - and my weight hadn't changed. There were a few days were I'd lose 2lbs - but then the next day or two I'd have gained them back - plus an additional pound.
I was so fed up with my weight and bleeding that I had it removed the beginning of April. The bleeding stopped 3 days later, and my period came back May 16. It was the heaviest period I've ever had in my life. It lasted about 4 days - and as of today [July 3] I haven't had another period. I've taken 6 pregnancy tests - all negative.
As far as the weight - I'm currently 185lbs and have been eating 1000 calories for the last 2 months - along with daily exercise. Sad to say I'm still at 185 2 months into my diet and exercise [I gained 5 more lbs between January and April]. So I can't get these 20lbs to go away.
We've also been trying for a second baby - since April - but no luck yet.
I'm so disappointed with Mirena. If I knew any of this - I wouldn't have had it inserted.
I still don't feel like my body is back on track - and obviously it's not. I don't think it's normal to be a month and a half late - or be able to gain weight this rapidly when you eat healthy and exercise.
I regret having it inserted :[
Kellie - 7/3/2009 12:12 PM
I had my mirena done in July 08. I have had no ceasing of periods and they are a slight bit lighter but last for 10-14 days.
I smell weird and have a constant discharge. I feel crampy daily and finally have an appt with a GYN after almost a year! I am having it taken out and pray it won't be as bad as going in! I almost fainted from the pain and it was rectal as well as abdominal.
Fiona - 7/2/2009 9:13 PM
I have had the mirene now for almost 3 months. As good as the periods having stopped to an annoying spot almost every day, a funny smell down there severe depression, 6kg weight gain yet i work out almost every day?! Crazy episodes like wanting to run people over, punch on with my friends, think insanely, nausea, sleepless nights, horrible lower back pain and bloating the list goes on and on i am giving it 2 more weeks and if i stil have symptoms am having it removed also feel twitching down there every day. Thank you to all who have shared there stories. Has made me have a serious re-think.
Sharyn - 7/2/2009 1:59 PM
I am left speechless reading your blogs. I have had a Mirena in since Dec 05. It is not for contraceptive reasons but to stop my periods to aid in the treatment of Endometriosis.
In June 06 I started having problems with memory loss, sharp intermittent abdominal pain, weight loss due to lack of appetite, vascular problems, dizziness, blurred vision and migraines. In September of 2008 I suffered the first of two migrainous strokes. This led to depression and me having to go on medication to prevent further strokes.
I have been sent to see Endocronologists, Rheumatologists and Neurologists. Not once did any doctor say that I should go back and see my OB/GYN that had recommended the Mirena to me in the first place. It was on my insistance that I finally got a referral to visit my gyneacologist. I asked numerous times if my problems could be caused by the Mirena and every time my question was met with a no and to be honest I got the impression he just thought I was a bit of a head case. My GYN has never fully explained the side effects to me. When I first had the Mirena put in he literally tossed the pamphlet across his desk and said "you might want to take a read of that when you get home." But as we know the pamphlet only tells us so much.
I am a 45 year old woman who feels twice that and am looking for answers as to why my health as deteriorated so much in the last four years. I think I have found the answer. I am going to demand the Mirena is removed. I am off on an overseas holiday in September so am reluctant to do it before them in case I get side effects. But when I come back, I am going to reclaim my life. My best wishes to all of you.
Angel - 7/2/2009 12:46 PM
I have had my mirena in only for one month and so far I have had the following side effect:





dizziness or light-headednes



difficulty speaking



went to the hosptial this weekend and the doctor said he could not find anything wrong with me but my blood sugar was a little low. So I thought this was strange due to the fact that I have never had blood sugar problems before. So feeling a little silly that I had my husband sitting in the waiting room for 4 hours I said ok thinking maybe everything was in my head.The next day at work I started have the same problems so I google low blood sugar and sure enough the above feeling I was having was listed there but for some reason it just was not sitting well with me.I am a computer tech and one question I always ask at work after someone computer crashes is what was the last thing you did before your computer went down did you load any software or go to any strange sites. So of course I asked my self the same thing what was the last thing I did to my self and I said I just got this mirena inserted 1 month ago. So I looked up Mirena and sure enough on all different websites I saw the same side effects. I don't know if it comes from the desire for sugar all the time since I got this insert or if it is the 12 pound weight gain that i have exprienced since getting the mirena a month ago but I don't feel young and alive anymore i feel tried and drained confused and did I mention i was a computer can you image a confused computer tech. I am getting this out tomorrow never to do this again this has been a very bad exprience for me. If my works are misspelled I can thank Mirena for the gift of confusion


Kelly - 7/1/2009 10:47 AM
I had the mirena procedure done a little over a week ago and it was extremely painful. I felt dizzy,sick and as if I would pass out afterwards.I had sharp pains in my rectum.When I went in today for a follow up they couldn't find it with an ultrasound so I was sent to have an X-ray and it seems as if it perforated and is in my abdominal area.I'll know where exactly in the morning,but I'm hoping there is no serious damage. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
Sarah - 6/29/2009 11:50 PM
I only lasted 30 days with Mirena before I made them take it out. It started with irretable moods and turned into deep depression. I finally said enough, when I cried for 2 days straight. I felt empty and worthless and no sex drive. I didn't want to be around people. In my head, I just wanted to take a bunch of pills and go to bed. It was hard feeling this way especially when I have a wonderful life. I couldn't understand what was happening to me. I felt crazy. My husband made me stay with his mother because he was worried what I would do. That's when she found this blog site. She read me stories that sounded just like what I was going through. Maybe I'm not crazy. I called the very next day to get it out. I instantly started to feel better. I was suprised that it only took a few days to be totally back to normal, except for multiple periods this month. Which I will take any day over what the Mirena put me through. Get it out now. Live happy...Live life... Thank you for the site and all the women it helps:)
net robins - 6/26/2009 12:11 PM
Amanda,thanks for your comments,please feel free to come back anytime, thanks for the info on your comment,very interesting
Amanda Joubert - 6/26/2009 8:01 AM
Im in NSW by the way,
a I wanted to thankou for your site, it really elps to feel heard.
I would like to post further if thats ok
Amanda Joubert - 6/26/2009 7:58 AM
I had the Mirena inserted Dec 08; as soon as it was in I didn’t feel myself. Trusting in what I was being told by medico that it will take some time to adjust. Well I wonder if they want you to have it in for a time so you get so toxic you become punch drunk and need a carer 24/7. This is the most belittling experience.
I waited until March for it to settle in, and then decided to do my research.
Well I have joined the club, the anti mirena club.
My health mental, emotional and physical-are suffering ,ARRRRGGG.
My Symptoms; I don’t feel myself, lethargy, dizzy, foggy, cannot recall information easily, get confused, have difficulty being interested ,eyesight is blurry and have use reading glasses all the time, slight hair loss(20%) and oily hair, slight acne, hirsutism has accelerated growth, red spot like burst capillaries on chest and neck,
Spasmodic rapid heart rate with panic and paranoia. Dark, Dark suicidal, self harm feelings, desperate, helpless, hopeless, feeling dread and despair ,teary over anything, negative monkey mind.
Really spastic digestion, all over the place from indigestion, gas, pain under ribs.
Bloated, feel puffy even though I haven’t gained. I was nauseas from January to march that I lost some weight. I felt I was pregnant had all the symptoms but no.
This really tipped me off that the mirena was at the cause of my ailments.
And now I have constant lower back pain, and aching joints, a strange moving sensation in my uterus that feels like a baby moving occasionally. and a sensation of stretching slight burning inside, and poking, and of course just recently NO Love desire.
Plus my partner has strange looking chemical burn on the rim of his manhood, which the Dr diagnosed as thrush but has not vanished with abstinence and the cream. It flares up immediately after loving then peels in a spot. We reckon that when we first had the mirena the strings were cut to short and it poked and scratched his Willy which allowed the hormones to penetrate under his skin. He is very clean of chemical intake and has been a vegetarian for 40 yrs and luckily has experience as a psych nurse or I would not be here.
So I made appointment to get mirena out, had to do the waiting game. Finally spread on the table and DR says "oh what’s this, I cant get to your cervix, Oh its a vaginal cyst, Oh ok , well let me get this IUD out then we will attend the cyst. Oh, Oh I cant see any strings. Sorry we will have to do a D&C ".
She really has been very supportive and did everything in her power to book me in asap. Had ultrasound which identified IUD in uterus and cyst the size of an egg which was not there when I had IUD inserted.
Checked into Hospital to have procedure done. I am waking in recovery to the Dr saying she couldnt find the Mirena and how sorry she is, I will have to go to a Gynecologist as it will require their skill.
At my follow up appointment she suggested anti-depressants as I was really suffering from those dark, dark deeply disturbing self harm thoughts. I refused more chemical medications, so she suggested I take St Johns Wort. After 3 days of St johns I had a hysterical fit ,madness ,crazy fit this night, so insane that I cant believe it was me. Luckily my partner was in attendance with his skill. (This has all put such a strain on our relationship.) I researched St johns wort and found on that it is not good to take St Johns Wort when you have a Mirena , quote" as these may speed up the breakdown of the levonorgestrel by the body". Yep! I had a massive progestin surge and since then I’m only focusing on getting through each day till this toxic poisoner is finally extracted from my body.
So here I am waiting for this Friday 19 June 2009 for the next step in this next round to rid myself of this tyranny.

(did you know that mirena has barium in it, and barium can transmit signal or bounce signals , are we women being used to transmit? did you know they spray the skies globally with chemtrail which contain barium?)

I have changed from being a really healthy women, why did I get the mirena.

Love to you all
Mandy - 6/26/2009 4:38 AM
Wow! Hello every one!!! I am new to this web site,but like all of you I have a story of my own. I had my Mirena put in on 8/22/2007.(6weeks after gave birth) I had a period for four months. I thought well my body needs time to adjust.( though with the type of Mirena I have I'm not suppose to have periods.) I went in for a check up and told the doctor what I was being seen for. (He thought he needed to cute some of the string down.) He asked if I wanted the Mirena tooken out. I said NO. I'm the type that can get pregnant if I just get looked at funny. I haven't decided on getting my tubes tied. I'm not ready for that step yet. So I "thought going with the Mirena I would be safe." At the check up the doctor check the Merina and well what do you know he couldn't feel it,and also found bone like tissue "from having kids". He scheduled a sound ultra sound,also gave me a scrib for birth control. The tech found a shadow of what she believed to be the Mirena. The doctor said the tissue that he found would be check when I had to go in the office for a pap. That if the spot had gotten bigger he would look into removing it. Though may I remind you I have never had that kind of spot. Nor is this my first child. The OBGYN wasn't my doctor with all the other pregnancies. Why all of a sudden do I have this spot "due to the fact of my children?" Then I experienced bleeding during intercourse for months almost a year.On top of it I thought I had finally got my cycle down.I started having a cycle every three months. The cramps felt like I was having lobor pains. I delt with it. In Jan of this year my cycle changed again. In may I ended up having two periods.Now I am a few months shy of havng it in for 2 years. I have head aches,I feel like I'm going to get sick,I've not lost the pregnancy weight, I cry over stupid stuff,. My family and I moved 5 1/2 hours away from the doctor who put in my Mirena. After I got fed up with feeling sick,I finally got on the internet web site for the Mirena.O my lord what did I find out. Well lets see If your are breast feeding you have to wait until you are done breast feeding to get the Mirena. Hello I am still brestfeeding and my doctor knew I was before he put the Mirena in. I also found out the Mirena is can give a female an infection in the female part and it makes a female smell fishy. Hello no women wants to smell like that. So after my discover,I called the doctor. I have had enogh of the feeling like I'm sick ect. I talked to the nurse. She wanted me to rule out being pregnant first,then they would go from there. I have a doctors appiontment with a different doctor to find out what is up. Need less to say the Mirena has to go. If the same doctor can mess up my sons circumsecion and tell me there is nothing wrong with it "that he is just fat"the same doctor can tell me it's not the Mirena. Not to mention I never knew the side effects until I had to look it up on the internet. My OBGYN never told me.
Nev - 6/25/2009 4:03 AM
I just got my Mirena taken out two weeks ago and am back on the Nuva Ring now. I had the Mirena in for the full 5 years. When I first got it in 2004 I went through a bunch of other life changes at the same time so I wasn't sure if the Mirena was causing my problems, until now.

I never had a problem with acne before but normally had occasional break outs that I used zit cream for. When I got the Mirena my skin started drying up. At first I thought it was a good thing, but it got too dry. I still had occasional break outs, but instead of going away with the zit cream like normal, each zit would (without any zit cream) dry up, crack and peel. If I picked at it or even scratched it, it would ooze and bleed for at least half an hour. It also took about 2 weeks to a month to heal. I tried tons of different kinds of lotions, moisturizers, face washes, tried changing my diet, tried changing my facial care routine, tried holding my face over steaming water every day to get the moisture back, everything short of seeing a dermatologist, nothing helped. I had to start wearing makeup because I was getting scars all over my chin and cheeks (never had zit problems there before). I was almost daily up to an hour and a half late to work waiting for my face to stop bleeding and trying to cover up the scabs and scars. Since having the Mirena taken out last week, even with the Nuva Ring in now, my complexion is normal again. I am no longer having any zit problems, no more bleeding or oozing, and all my spots are almost completely healed up already! I can't believe it when I look in the mirror. The only thing that changed was getting the Mirena taken out.

Also since getting the Mirena I struggled with my weight more. I've always been a very healthy eater, very fit person, and have always stayed close to my ideal weight. I had the Nuva Ring for a year before the Mirena, which made it a teeny bit more work to lose weight when needed, but didn't give me much problem. The Mirena gave me much more problem. In the last year or two my appetite suddenly increased so much that I gained 10 pounds no matter how hard I worked to keep it off and to exercise more. I would still be hungry after my stomach couldn't take any more food. My belly hurt almost all the time. Some days I wouldn't be able to walk the dog. Everything that used to work to lose weight was no longer working. In the two weeks since getting the Mirena out my appetite is returning to normal and I have started loosing the weight, more easily than I ever have in the last 5 years. I seem to be getting more out of my weight lifting too.

With the Mirena I also would get very easily stressed out, irritable, and unbelievably paranoid. I've always been a pretty calm, chill person normally but the last two years with the Mirena was emotional torture. I would have crazy mood swings. I often had bouts of depression and I'd break down crying over the stupidest little things. I kept thinking everyone was out to get me in some way. Every few months I'd have a great big nervous breakdown and cry fest. It drove my husband and I crazy. This last two weeks has been tranquility in comparison.

With the Nuva Ring, I had less of a libido, but with the Mirena what little libido I had went away to almost nothing. Back on the Nuva Ring, it's still kinda low but much better now.

I did save a bunch of money on feminine hygeine. In the last 5 years I went through about 3 regular sized boxes of panty liners and that's it.
net robins - 6/11/2009 1:37 PM
Deana,Glad glad to hear you got it out and everything is ok,Im sure you will feel much better as everone says they do straight away after having it out.
Dont worry if you have Heavy bleeding or clots as it happens to most women when they get their first period especially if you have had the Mirena for a long time.
All the best,Net.
Georgie - 6/11/2009 6:41 AM
I too have had major depression, a feeling of being completely on my own and thoughts of losing those who are closest to me, that was constant, its was driving me mad!! Went to see the doctor who thought I had ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,depression and anxiety attacks, all of which I was taking medication for, I could hardly get out of bed and when I did I couldnt be bothered doing anything, this wasnt me! After talking to those closest to me we discovered that my Mirena was due to expire, I have never felt so low in my life. I had it removed about 4 weeks ago now and finally my mind is starting to have normal everyday, happy thoughts instead of those constant nagging visions of losing my loved ones, i dont know how much longer I could have coped if it hadnt changed! It was never explained to me how it could make me feel, hopefully that will change in the future, I would hate for anyone to have to go through what I just have, fortunately I have a fantastic partner who knew that it wasnt me who was just being weird/strange and that it was something else that was causing it! Not sure if this will help anyone but hopefully it will send warning bells to some. Take care.
Deana - 6/11/2009 12:28 AM
Hi again, everyone. Just had my Mirena out this morning. The nurse had said that she's not allowed to say anything, but they keep hearing more and more of these complaints. She said that every time she sees someone scheduled to get one, she knows they'll be sorry...but again, can't say anything. Which really upsets me! Patients deserve to know!! Anyway, the NP who took it out tried to talk me out of it and said that the symptoms I have could not possibly be caused by the Mirena. I thought, HELLO! I have read the doctor's pamphlet which lists ALL of these side effects!! Anyway, she finally did it. I'm slightly crampy now, no bleeding yet. I'm just so thrilled and relieved that it is finally out of my body. I feel like an exorcism has been done and I'm finally rid of that devil device. I'll keep you guys posted on how things go as time goes on. Thanks so much, Net, for creating this site. It has helped me more than I can tell you.
net robins - 6/10/2009 11:14 AM
Dear Deana,
Im so glad the site has helped you,and all the best for when you get your Mirena out.
Let us know how you are after getting it out,thanks,Net.
Deana - 6/10/2009 5:56 AM
OH. MY. GOD. This is just the site I needed to read today. I am crying as I read this...I'm 33 and have had the Mirena for about 15 months. The first 6 months were pretty okay, then I quit having a period. Then the weight gain started and I now weigh 30 pounds more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant with my 4th child. I am miserable. I hate myself. My back hurts every day, severely, my ankles hurt so bad in the evening that I can hardly make it up and down the stairs, I have migraines (although I always have). severe depression (which again, has always been an issue with me), heart palpitations and dizzy spells. I am a huge blimp. I have an unbelievable appetite (just like when I was pregnant), but even though I am eating less, I am STILL gaining weight. Just went to a new primary care physician today and she recommened having the Mirena removed. Called my ob/gyn and they said that he couldn't get me in until July 15 (it's June 9). I told them that if someone doesn't take it out this week, that I will do it myself. Sooo, tomorrow at 8am, I am getting this monster removed from my body. I don't even care that I will start having periods again, periods are much better than not wanting to shower because I have to look at myself naked. I will update you guys on how I feel after.

To the people who are posting stories of how great the Mirena is....I agree that it probably is for some, but some may want to wait until they have had it in longer before they decide how "wonderful" it is. AND, regardless, it definitely may be a fantastic thing for some people, but that still doesn't mean that people shouldn't be warned of the side effects before this is put in. I love my doctor, he's awesome, but all he told me was how wonderful this IUD is, not any of the negative things that go along with it. EDUCATE YOURSELVES....I wish I would have. Thanks for reading.
dee - 6/10/2009 3:30 AM
i posted a message last night and the other side effects that occured were breast discharge,bloating,leg pain,heaviness in chest,swelling in hands,spotting for weeks discharge all the time,vaginal dryness and irritation,blood filled ovarian cysts,numbness on one side,fainting.
dee - 6/9/2009 3:04 PM
I had the mirena for 3 years and I'm 29yrs old. ihave to say it took a toll on my life.I'm goning to make my story simple. When I had it placed it was the worst pain in my life. Since then here are my side effects nausea,irritabilty,major weight gain,high blood pressure,high heart rate,no sex drive,dizziness,headaches,migranes,joint pain,numbness,tingling,hot flashes,night sweats,black blood that smell rotten,yeast infections,mood swings,feeling in a fog,heart palpitations,exhausted,phantom kicks,shortness of breath,I feel like an old lady.Its almost 1 week since I took it out and I would advise women not to get it.
net robins - 6/8/2009 2:02 PM
Dear Rynn,Im glad you feel better and keep us updated on how you are going please.
Thanks, Net.
rynn - 6/8/2009 1:27 PM
I had my Mirena removed two days ago and I feel so much better.I am bleeding like Im on my period even though I cant be because I just had it,which I dont care Im just glad to have it out.I cant say I feel 100% better but I can say I feel about 85 to 90% better and I am looking forward to feeling 100% like my old self again.I did just start a vitamin b 12 supplement,which I hear can help with your nervous system and hormones,so we will see how that turns out.I will keep posting my post mirena days in hopes it will help because I know this site helped me!
Kasey - 6/6/2009 5:21 AM
MIRENA PORFORATED MY UTERUS!! I had the Mirena IUD put in 8 weeks after I had my daughter. I was not given any medication to dilate my cervix which I found out later that I should have been. It was the worst pain of my life, far greater than labor. I did have bleeding which was comparable to a regular period. The follow up ultra sound showed that everything was in place but I was scheduled for another one. After a couple weeks I started to experience extreme constipation and quick intense abdominal pain. I was assured by the Dr that the constipation was not related and the pain was normal. When I went in again they couldn’t see the IUD using the standard ultra sound so I had to have an internal one (very unpleasant). They could not see it then either but assured me that it was probably because I had not consumed enough water (whatever that means). I was then scheduled for a CT scan which confirmed the IUD was sitting horizontal but my Dr.s still claimed it could be in my uterus but it would have to be removed. I was scheduled for an immediate appointment at the hospital. I had a hysteroscopy which confirmed the IUD had perforated my uterus and was resting against my intestines. They tried a laparoscopy (going in through my belly button) but couldn’t remove it so I had a laparotomy (cutting open my abdomen). The IUD was removed and I now have a 3 inch vertical raised scar that itches constantly. I am also considered a high risk pregnancy which is heartbreaking after having two wonderful pregnancies and labors. We still want kids we just wanted to wait a few years while I finish nursing school. My husband and I have a pending lawsuit against my Dr’s office. PLEASE DON’T USE MIRENA!! And please excuse all spelling and grammatical errors.
rynn - 6/6/2009 4:10 AM
I just had my mirena removed about two hours ago and I can say that I feel relief from just knowing it is out .I hope I do not have a "crash" and I can move on with my life.I will keep posting my post mirena days and symptoms.
net robins - 6/4/2009 9:48 PM
Donna, I havent heard of that happening before,I hope it all works out ok for you,all the best with it,
Donna Carey - 6/4/2009 10:00 AM
Gained over 25 lbs. Joint problems, spot floaters have increased horribly, and some crampin. Went to get this out and its stuck - they tried twice and its is stuck. I am livid. Its surgery or leave it there. I am so upset - No warnings about this anywhere. I am the first one the doctor has ever had that the area actually surrounded the mirena - its really stuck. No one should ever get this!! I am still unsure what I will do - technically any meds in the device is gone in 5 years and I ahve had it for 4 years. I will be looking at the risks of leaving it there - the weight gain is horrible
Teresa - 6/1/2009 1:20 PM
I had my mirena inserted in Nove 08. Recently, I attended my GP with nausea. Upon presenting to the doctor I have found out that since Nov I have gained 10 kgs, my glucose levels are through the roof and I am experiencing High Blood pressure. My blood pressure has always been considered to be low. The migraines are extremely painful and I am finding it hard to get up to go to work somedays.

I am considering the removal of the mirena. But I am scared that my cycle will be the same as it was before. Every 3 months with pains equivilant to giving birth.

Will keep posted with Doc tells me on Friday.

Denise - 5/21/2009 2:23 AM
I had the Mirena for 2 1/2 yrs. About 8 wks ago I began experiencing lower abdominal pain that wouldn't go away. My family dr diagnosed me with diverticulitis and after two rounds of antiobiotics I had no relief. I then had a CT Scan which found nothing. I did some research on the Mirena and make an appt with my OBGYN. Sure enough my cervix was enlarged and very tender. He put me on the pill and sent me on my way. After one week I was back in his office to have it removed. Of course, he said it was very unusual to have any issues but he didn't fight me on the removal. I still feel like my "insides" are sore and tender but hopefully this wil subside with time. These were the only side effects that I had - but they were and are very painful and chronic.
Ingrid - 5/21/2009 2:16 AM
had Mirena inserted last june after i had my 3rd child and since then i have been having constant problems, i am not sure if its the Mirena or not but the symptoms started after i had it!!! My period is now longer to about 7 days, the flow is not heavy but mild/medium. What is driving me crazy is i no longer know when my period is going to come, it just starts some times after 3 wks, one time it was just 2 wks after!!! And if i have sex with my husband it sometimes triggers my period, i will think its just spotting but it turns into my period, we dont have wild sex or anything like that but i cant figure out what is happening and i wonder if anyone has the same problems or ever heard of this??
rynn - 5/21/2009 1:42 AM
I am scheduled to have my Mirena removed in two hours I really hope that my symptoms will subside soon after.
rynn - 5/20/2009 12:44 PM
I have had the Mirena for about two weeks now and I have been experiencing many problems.I do currently have anxiety and I feel like I am becoming depressed all of a sudden.I went and seen a doctor today and she said im experiencing a chronic panic attack and hormonal imbalance,but she did not recommend having the Mirena removed she said my body will get used to it.I really disagree and after reading everyones experiences I have decided to get it removed. Thanks everyone.
Kiersten - 5/19/2009 4:50 AM
Well, it has been about 3 days now and I feel much much better. I wish I had taken it out sooner. My hair seems healthier and I'm not depressed anymore. I haven't lost any weight yet but I feel 100 percent better. Sometimes it just takes a while to lose the weight. I also have started my period. Getting back to normal. My advice is to get it out as soon as possible. Don't wait, it's not worth the side effects. I wish everyone well.
Claire - 5/18/2009 9:33 AM
I have had my mirena for about 3-4 months now... and have gone through periods of everything being ok to things being terrible and crying for no reason and not knowing what i think or feel or why i'm behaving in such a way. I dont know if its the coil or not but i dont remember feeling like this before i had it fitted. I am in 2 minds as to whether i should get it removed or not...but nothing seems to make much sense to me at the moment. I started a new job and moved to a new place that should have made me happier but it all coincided with getting the mirena fitted so i'm at a loss as to why one minute i'll be fine and the next i'll be crying like i've lost a family member but not know why the tears are flowing.
belle - 5/18/2009 12:42 AM
had mine removed a couple of months ago, not seen the weight loss i had hoped for, but, thanks the heavens, my hair has stopped falling out..........
net robins - 5/17/2009 1:28 PM
Please keep us up to date as to how you are after your removal,
Im sure you will start to feel much better soon.
All the best,
net robins - 5/17/2009 1:26 PM
Saige,Im so glad you are feeling better,thats great news.
Saige - 5/17/2009 3:39 AM
A week ago I had left a message right after I got my mirena removed. I'm letting everyone know there is hope! I feel like myself again, very happy, laughing, not crying! which was a big issue cause I was crying about every little thing which normally wouldn't make me cry. Everyone around me notices a difference in the way I look/talk/act. I am loosing weight and getting back into exercising although I still look a little bloated? the 4 month pregnancy look is reversing so now I look 2-3 months pregnant hahah. I am still talking my anti-anxiety medication (one out of the four pills I was given) it helps me stay balanced. My heart palpations are gone! I am just enjoying everything in my life right now and I feel so good. I wish everyone the best of luck! and I want you guys to know that the way you're acting is not your fault! Keep your head high and fight this its going to be a little hard but everyone can do it :)
Kiersten - 5/15/2009 5:25 PM
I had my inserted about a year and a half ago. I too, have been having side effects such as weight gain, bloating, feeling constipated, pain in abdomin, and some depression. I have no insurance, have two small kids and husband is the only one working so kind of expensive to go to the doctor. I looked up your site and have been reading all of the messages which have been extremely helpful. I decided to remove it myself and just did a few minutes ago. It was not painful and was very easy. Thankyou so much for this site. I strongly suggest against the mirena.
summer - 5/14/2009 3:46 AM
this info about the mirena has been helpful.... i have been so very moodie!!! I have been in alot of pain for a while and the dr.s don't care they tell me to go to the er....( severe cramps )I have gained weight and much more i have a family to care for... i just don't know what to do!!!!
chantale Krauspe - 5/13/2009 3:58 PM
I had my mirena inserted in jan 2009. I had terrible pain for 3 days after. I have gained weight and cant seem to lose it. I have spotting throughout the month with a very smelly discharge that I am very embarrassed and have to we pads at night. I have continual stomach cramps and just want this thing out of me.
Vic - 5/12/2009 5:57 PM
I'm having my mirena removed tomorrow after 3 years!, Cant wait!! I'll let you know how it went and I will keep you all updated with any improvements (hopefully there will be some!) over the next few months.
Angela Moore - 5/12/2009 2:33 PM
I am waiting to have my Mirena removed. I have had it for almost 2 years. I started having the problems about 2 mnths after having it inserted. My problems are... hair loss, pelvic cramps, horrible rash around waistline(not shingles), aching joints, my feet hurts so bad at times that I can barely walk, rash on inside of legs, vaginal dryness, headaches, thinking I have a yeast infection but when tested I never do, and so many other problems. I don't want any other women to go through what I have been through. And the worst part, all the doctors think that Mirena has nothing to do with it. They act as if I am crazy.
Mrs. Becker - 5/8/2009 8:43 PM
As I am writing this, it is 3am. I have been up all night with severe cramps and what feels like a bladder infection. I wanted to see if it could be caused by Mirena so I stumbled accross this site. Totally opened my eyes to what I've been experiencing this last year. I thought I must have been dealing with post partdum, or just the stress that comes with having 3 small kids. I am getting rid of it asap. Knowledge is power. Thank you all for sharing your stories.
C. Caldwell - 5/7/2009 1:43 PM
I was 16 when i had my first pregnancy and of course it had to be twins! lol twin boys to be exact, it was hard but I love them dearly. By 19 I was pregnant again, had the baby and it was a beautiful girl! So guess what I was done... But I live in Minneapolis, MN and because of my age and that i only had "3 children" they wouldn't let me get my tubes tied, lo and behold the man in my life wanted a child from me "how would i feel." I was sooooo angry! I knew what i wanted and I had the 3 most precious beings ever! But anywhoo I went the next best step and got the Mirena. At the birth of my daughter i weighed in at 195 pounds which was huge for me ive always been between 130-140 pounds. But a few months later i was loosing the weight I was down to 170 when i got the Mirena. Every since then I have been in a constant battle with my wieght! Ive been depressed insecure and plain not myself! I got up to 216 pounds! and thank god i ran across your site noe im convinced it IS THE MIRENA!!!!!!! I get rashes for no reason, boils for no reason, dry skin, things i never had before and I take care of myself... Im just sooo angry!
net robins - 5/6/2009 5:43 PM
It is Painless to get it out ,nothing like when you get it in.
I myself hav'nt lost any weight yet but I know a lot of women start losing weight straight away,I wasnt that lucky. I had surgery 2 days ago to find out if I have Uterine Cancer,wont know until next week,if I have I will have to have Radical Hysterectomy.

All the best to all of you and Thankyou for sharing your Stories.
Linda - 5/6/2009 2:11 PM
I gained 15 kilos, became severley depressed, had insomnia, my hair thinned and became dull and wiry, numbness in arms and toes which woke me up to eight times a night. I was irritable and bloated ALL of the time. Since I've had it removed the heavy bleeding has returned and so has my shiny straight hair, I have been unable to loose the weight I gained but at least the acne has disappeared. The progesterone does not all stay contained in utero. That is a drug company absolute which is clearly untrue.
The worst part is that women listen to GPs saying things like "my wife has one in and it is great." Great for him maybe.
If you are sensitive to the hormonal pill or of a delicate constitution ie. have a bit of a fragile, sensitive way about you (and who doesn't pre-period) don't get or at least think in detail about having Mirena in situ.
It was one of the worst female experiencesI have encountered.
Saige - 5/6/2009 12:43 PM
I just had the Mirena removed last week and praying I start feeling changes soon. I'm 18 years old and I feel like my life has been ruined already. I started going to school for my dream job but I started getting horrible anxiety and insomnia. I thought I was just stressing out about school but I've never been like that before especially since I was so passionate about it. I thought I was going crazy, I started doubting myself and losing confidence. I stopped eating almost completely but I would force myself to drink shakes just so I wouldn't pass out. I was turning into a zombie. I had to drop out of school cause I couldn't go on any longer...I hated crying in class all the time and the heart palpations were so bad. I went to the doctor after the first week all this started happening and he just put me on anxiety/depression medication which only helped me to sleep and start eating again but the panic attacks were still just as bad and I cry now constantly. I'm on 3 different medication to help me but I still feel very depressed especially since I had to leave school, I feel like such a failure constantly even though everyone tells me that it was the mirena, I have suicidal thoughts at least once a day and I've never been like this before! I miss me! My boyfriend has been amazing but I feel so bad that I put him through this, he misses the old me. I try really hard to act like my old self and I do a good job at it but deep down theres still that depression and anxiety fighting to control me again. I want this to end! I want to go to school, I want to be with my boyfriend. I thank my family and him everyday for putting up with me cause I'm such a wreck. I read these blogs everyday to remind myself I'm not crazy and I'm not alone. Everyone here has made me feel much better, I thank everyone.
Hope everyone gets better, I pray for everyone.
Meghan - 5/6/2009 3:55 AM
I am thinking baout getting my IUD taken out because I have gained 20 pounds and have been exerciseing and eating right and still gaining weight, if I get it taken out will I start to see weight loss or am I stuck??? Anyone see weight loss after removal??? Please e-mail me back and let me know.....the truth I need to know.
Michelle - 5/5/2009 11:03 AM
I had the Mirena put in February 16 2009, I have been bleeding everyday since that date, it's May 04, 2009. Feeling so tired all the time, I loved going to the gym & walking my Labrador Retreiver now it takes every bit of my energy to do that. I feel depressed all the time, crying so much over nothing it's like I am a big ball of PMS. I have a bad odour coming from that area and feel like I'm on my period all the time. I want this damn thing out, I didn't even get it for birth control my doctor suggested because of my age 41 and having extremely bad periods this would make my periods pain free of non existent. I feel like Hell all this time. This is at the top of my list of bad experiences in my life, I am going to get it out tomorrow. Hopefully there is no permanent damage done. I am so worried about getting it out it was like giving birth to a 50pound baby getting the thing inserted. Does anyone have anyone know how painful taking the bastard out is? Please read all info. on this before getting one, I didn't just trusted my Doctor now I'm paying the pain. Take Care
AbbiGail LeFort-Hearn - 5/5/2009 12:49 AM
Hello, I have had the mirena for over two years. The more than 2o pound weight gain, hair loss and moodiness was only surpassed by the inability to reduce swelling after surgery.
Vic - 4/30/2009 9:28 PM
I'm sorry to hear of everyone's horror stories but you have all helped me to come to the decision to have my mirena removed. I'm 47 & have had it for 3 years...3 years of strange things happening which I was putting down to an early menopause! Before mirena I had a 'normal' cycle with nice light periods lasting 4 days, they were like clockwork and no other problems associated with periods. My GP suggested I get a mirena simply for convenience sake, he doesnt like me taking the pill because of high blood pressure. Well, not long after mirena was put in i developed Bacterial Vaginosis; a most disgusting smelly internal infection....caused guessed it - Mirena! My GP said "Oh yeah, it's a common infection from IUDs"...Well thanks very bloody much for NOT telling me about that!! So not only do I now experience heavy bleeding for at least 7+ days a month I then ovulate and get breasts so sore they ache, I spot for a couple of weeks and the disgusting Bacterial infection makes it's presence known until my next period! I get, gee, a whole week if I'm lucky with nothing going on 'down there'!! I also have nights where I barely sleep (I was a good sleeper pre mirena), no desire for sex, but luckily I havent experienced depression like most of you other ladies. So you can see why I have put up with this for 3 years...because I thought it was the start of menopause! Maybe it still is but I cant put up with this infection any longer, I'm so making an appointment with my GP to get this thing out of me and hopefully mirena hasnt cursed me with Bacterial Vaginosis for the rest of my life! My hairdresser also has a mirena and i'm definitely telling her to read everyone's stories because she has been having bad side effects as well especially depression but she has no idea it could be mirena causing it! thank you for this site.
Rhonda - 4/30/2009 7:33 AM
I had the IUD put in a year ago in April. I have had several side effects from it. I have panic attacks, my period for two weeks/month. I have severe depression (on meds now) and I cannot lose weight. I did talk to my GYN about it and of course it was all due to my age not the IUD. I am really frustrated, I have no other option other than surgery and I don't want to ever go through another surgery. Thanks for the is nice to see I am not alone!
michelle - 4/28/2009 11:49 PM
I had the mirena put in March of 08 6 weeks after my daughter was born. I had the usual cramping bleeding etc for first few months. It's been ok. I have had acne, the heart palpitations, teeny headaches off and on, now slight breast tenderness, Moody, i notice more hiar coming out than normal. I have no periods and then spotting. No sex drive the 1st yr. Then you wonder is all ok, am i prego. I have read so much. I am glad to see these sites to learn so much. I am sorry to see all the horror stories. They make me leary to keep this thing. I have had it 13 months now. I am 36. All in all, it's ok. But who knows. My tummy feels upset sometimes after eating. So, it's hard to say. I never do great on the pill, so this is my last resort. So we will see. The other week, for 4 days i felt twinges going on in my tummy. I am like, what in the world is going on. Anyone else have that? I feel like i am always feeling something in there. Not sure what. Makes me leary, is this thing ok. well.....
Good Luck everyone!
michelle - 4/28/2009 11:48 PM
I had the mirena put in March of 08 6 weeks after my daughter was born. I had the usual cramping bleeding etc for first few months. It's been ok. I have had acne, the heart palpitations, teeny headaches off and on, now slight breast tenderness, Moody, i notice more hiar coming out than normal. I have no periods and then spotting. No sex drive the 1st yr. Then you wonder is all ok, am i prego. I have read so much. I am glad to see these sites to learn so much. I am sorry to see all the horror stories. They make me leary to keep this thing. I have had it 13 months now. I am 36. All in all, it's ok. But who knows. My tummy feels upset sometimes after eating. So, it's hard to say. I never do great on the pill, so this is my last resort. So we will see. The other week, for 4 days i felt twinges going on in my tummy. I am like, what in the world is going on. Anyone else have that? I feel like i am always feeling something in there. Not sure what. Makes me leary, is this thing ok. well.....
Good Luck everyone!
michelle - 4/28/2009 11:30 PM
oh yes, i have had the acne with it too!
Michelle - 4/28/2009 11:28 PM
I got mine back last March of 08. The first few months, bleeding, cramping off and on. But i am doing ok with it. But after reading so much online, i am now leary to keep it. I have had more hair coming out, heart palpitations, moody, tired, nervousness at times, i have had teeny headaches at times. No sex drive for the 1st yr. Some times no periods and then spotting. I have been on the mirena 13 months now. All in all it's been ok. I do feel slight breast tenderness. You can't help but wonder is all ok, am i prego, etc. I will keep playing it by ear. I am glad for these sites to learn so much.
I am so sorry to hear some of the horror stories out there. Glad to see others are doing fine with it too. I have a friend that had it and did fine with it.
Good Luck everyone!



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