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        Below are some of the side effects from women at the Facebook Group,have a look to read their full stories......


I am 29 and had the Mirena put in 6 weeks after having baby #2. ...

Posted at 12: 9 PM on Oct 15, 2009 by kelliportland

I am 29 and had the Mirena put in 6 weeks after having baby #2. I thought it was a great idea and my OB said "NO SIDE EFFECTS". I have been bleeding heavily since it was inserted, cramps, sharp pains in my uterus area, bloating and headaches at night. I don't know if this is their form of birth control, but if your bleeding everyday you can't have sex! I run 3 miles five times a week and was losing weight steadily, until I had the Mirena put in. I watch what I eat obsessively and I am gaining weight! I am emotional all the time and find myself losing my patience with my kids and my husband all the time. I am getting it taken out today! I'll update how it went and the side effects going away. I would rather deal with another pregnancy than go through this. Follow your gut feelings - the Mirena won't work for everyone and obviously there are quite a few of us!


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Julie A

 I had the Mirena inserted in February of this year. I have had nothing but problems since I got it. I had bleeding for three months like the literature says, but now I seem to be bleeding off and on and I never know when I am going to start! It is getting to be a pain! I am also having lower back pain, a pain in my... lower right side (even went to the ER because we thought it was my appendix), bloating, and acne.



I got mine in Aug 08. About 7 weeks after my 3rd child. When I was younger, like 12, I would get ovarian cysts. My Gyno put me on the pill when I was 13 after one ruptured and put me in the ER. I would get maybe 2 a year after that and they weren't that bad. After my 1st child I didn't get back on pill. Since the Miren...a, I've had one every other month when I ovulate. Always the left side. And they are worse than before. Sharp stabbing pain in my lower left side that radiates into my hip. I can't stand up straight. My poor lady part feels so swollen, like it weights a ton. Then there's the pain during sex, not all the time, but still! After sex it's a dull ache. I've also have problems with acne. Before the mirena I would get a pimple or 2 around my cycle, now I have a new 1 or 2 or 3 a day. Definitly get dizzy more than I should. Does anyone else get cysts? And if so, did you get them before?

Annette Robins
I get cysts every mont too mainly on the left side as well for some reason,I had one rupture it was VERY painful.
Annette Robins
PS. I Never had a problem with cysts before.

Rebecca  iud insertion not painful. lots of cysts and cystic acne. slight irregular spotting throughout the 4.5 years. constant white-ish discharge. just had it removed. hopefully acne will subside. have been on lots of acne meds & even a round of accutane, to no avail. never had acne problems to begin with.


Dahlia  I had my Mirena removed today. My doctor did not want to believe that is was the Mirena causing my hair loss. Of course she did take it out, because she knew that is was definitely a possibility. She said it could be a post partum side effect. Well then it would have started after I gave birth in May, and not after I g...ot the Mirena out in at the end of August. I am so relieved it is out, and hopefully my hair will stop falling out and the hair that fell out will begin to grown back.


Heather I had Mirena for just under two years. It was a nightmare! Bloating, constant discomfort in pelvic area, acne, extreme bodily hair growth, low back pain, longer periods, and a week of spotting after wards, mood swings, fatigue, migraines, blood sugars were out of control (Type 1 Diabetic) Why I waited so long to have... it removed is beyond me! But I did remove it three days ago, and have been feeling worse than ever! Low back cramping, extreme fatigue, extreme mood swings, and bleeding! How long before I get back to normal???? Anyone???


Tammy  I woke up this morning at 4 AM out of a sound sleep due to a migrane. That is not the first time it has happened to me since I go the Mirena put in a little over a year ago. As for my period going away. That is a laugh. I bleed more now than I did before, granted it is not as heavy but I feel like I am spotting 3 weeks... out of a month. My doctor suggested taking Ibropen for a month b/c some people could have inflammation but that didn't work. I was so surprised about the acne. I was wondering why my face and back have been breaking out constantly. I had a baby about three months before I had the Mirena put in so I did not know that the acne was caused by it. I had acne through both pregnancy. Otherwise, I always had great skin. The mood swings and depression are absolutely horrible. Again, did not know it was due to the Mirena. Another thing, the feeling of fatigue


Ryanne KI just had my Mirena removed on Tuesday Sept 29 after only having it for two weeks. One week after insertion I started having chest/heart pains. At first I was thinking it couldn't be the Mirena but after a few days, I knew it couldn't be anything but the Mirena. I called my Dr office and talked to his Medical assis...tant who said it wasn't the Mirena causing these pains and also talked to an on call Dr who said he thought it was unlikely. But the pains continued, accompanied with shoulder, arm, and back pain. I also felt almost depressed or blah. And because I worried so much about my heart/chest pains, I practically made myself have a panic attack. I was so anxious! So I decided to get it out. I called the Dr and got an appt right away. My Dr-unlike others I have read about, was actually very supportive about me getting it out and very caring and understanding. Guess someone else had just come in with same symptoms and had hers removed too! If in doubt, GET IT OUT!


Dahlia I had Mirena inserted on August 24. I could not wait to have it done, and now I am realizing I made the biggest mistake of my life. After having it inserted I had my period only three weeks later, and it was heavier than ever. Also my hair has been falling out in clumps. I went back on the web site and noticed the only... place them mention hair loss is on the physician's information, where they alopecia occurs in less than 5% of women. Well I guess I am in that less than 5% group.





 oh i went there again..... had 2 before and suffered with depression, didnt actually realise it was the mirena, until last year when i had second one out.
so for the last year, had the worst heavyist periods to the degree im flooding and i cant go anywhere.

so doctor says, well lets get another one fitted.. 4 days
slurring my words stuttering, shortness of breath pain in arms chest, rushed to hospital of course they thought my heart. they let me out last night and said i need to go back to the clinic to get it removed.

wish me luck, got a removal, 5 days after insertion tommorrow, ** dont get one fitted, they are not worth the side effects which are more common than health professionals will admit too**



I have had the IUD Mirena since Jan 26th and my first unprotected intercourse was Feb. Off/on since then, I've had little to no periods (spotting). My OB/GYN had informed me that I may not have a period or very little periods. Since Feb, I have tested for pregnancy and have always came back stating I am not pregnant, t...hough I sometimes get heartburn really bad and am tired constantly. Can pregnancy tests be wrong? How common is pregnancy with IUD? And not to pry, but what is periods/menstrual cycles suppose to be like with an IUD? I hardly have none to spotting if any and no cramping and some I hear have had heavy periods and cramping with an IUD, so I'm a little confused. Thanks for the input!!!

Suzy Elbow This page may also contribute to some informative Mirena discussions..

It's called "Alleged" Mirena Side Effect Awareness.


Rebecca I was fitted with the mirena as a contraceptive, but also to help with my endometriosis. The endometriosis is so dramatically improved that I guess I hadn't given much thought to the mood swings, depression, acne that I have suffered. Unfortunately in March this year I also lost a baby to ectopic pregnancy. We had no i...dea I was pregnant and I was taken to surgery to remove a cyst on my right ovary, but it turned out I was 10-11 weeks along. They removed my right tube and our angel. The doctors assured me that it was a rare thing, and that failing once didn't make it any more likely to happen again, but reading through all of this I am more and more convinced that the mirena is not for me... 


Penny I also had dreadful experiences with my Mirena. I put up with the symptoms for a year (severe bloating, acne, angry moods, a feeling of loss of identity, nerve pain, back pain) before having it removed. I expelled blood clots the size of chicken fillets after it was removed (explains the severe bloating). So much fo...r my OB telling me "it thins the endometrial lining of your uterus". What rubbish! I also believe it gave me Thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) but cannot prove it. I now have to take medication for the rest of my life to manage it. I saw a lawyer to see if I could raise a class action against the manufacturer but they advised against it saying there was no direct proof of negligence. Mirena nearly ruined my life and marriage due to my angry moods......stay away from Mirena, it's bad.


Sarah Hi folk.
Does anyone know the percentage or folk who conceive (uterine or tubular) on Mirena?


Kelly Biddle I have only had mine for two almost three weeks and already getting servere headaches which i never used to get, constant eating-anything & everything! and I am not even really a big eater. Cramping & bloating and feeling tired & exhuxted 24/7 no matter how much sleep I get! I wish someone had told me that there were t...hese sorts of side effects other than heavier bleeding and cramps before getting mine lol


Kim Wade  So sorry for you.


Stephanie Muloin It has been 5 days since I hemorraged and was discovered to be 8 wks pregnant! The day was quite dramatic and traumatic. Obviously I miscarried. what a way to find out........

I found out today there are other side effects that I have been suffering as well. I am distraught, angry and depressed.


Kim Wade  Hope you cont to feel better!


Marlene Pichette This method did not work out for me at all. Ridiculous cramping for 11 days, lower back pain, loss of appetite, loss of weight in result of that, loss of sleep, non stop taking baths & showers to alieviate the pain. Finally had it removed May 14th. Starting to feel a little better on May 15th.. however still had painfu...l cramps and upset stomach! I was having to take too many anti-inflamatory pills & tylenol to cope with these cramps .. normally I am incredibly tolerant of pain .. this was WAY worse than my wisdom teeth.. for which I only need 1 advil!!

I had it put in February 20th and removed May 14th. Hurt A LOT going in .. doctors overlooked explaining what tools were involved to surgically insert this device inside my cervix. The pain went away about 1 week after insertion. Removal however, was a BREEZE. I was incredibly worried about it hurting to take it out .. that I tried to tolerate it longer. Luckily the doctor reassured me that removal was much easier than insertion.


Kim Wade Have been free of the dievice for 2 weeks...have lost 8 lbs..feeling better. Good luck evryone!


Lauren Jennings Thanks! Got an ultrasound and everything is ok! Should be back to normal soon I hope! Good luck to everyone!

May 14

Kim Wade Cavaliere Need to go on and type in Mirena...WOW!






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