Welcome Ladies and Thankyou in Advance.


This site is for helping each other with our Mirena IUD problems,please share yours it may help other women in the same situation.

Im sure you want to tell us your Mirena Story to help other women know they are not going crazy.

Any help is appreciated,if you have any advice  please feel free to tell us.


Read my story below.

Dont Forget to Sign the Guestbook.


  Please sign the new Mirena Awareness Petition #2



 My Mirena after it was removed,the bag the Doctor put it in says everything !!!


      MY STORY 


     I am trying to inform women of the possible serious side effects of the Mirena IUD.





    Hi , and welcome , I'm 49 and had Mirena to control heavy periods not for contraception my Dr suggested to try it before getting a hysterectomy , I thought it was the best thing ever until I started having a few problems and didn’t know what was causing them, I done some research and found out it was Mirena causing my medical problems ,

     read my story below.........



                        My Mirena IUD  was inserted September 2004.   It was removed 29th May 2008.


          I had the Mirena put in four years ago , I had terrible pain the day after, it was that bad I was going to go to the hospital Emergency to get the thing out but I put up(the worst thing I done in my life, I'm paying for it now) with it and it and the pain got a bit better , had a lot of bleeding (spotting) for the first six months and then it finally went away and had no more periods.

    For the first year I thought Mirena was Great but then the problems started . I started to gain a lot of weight ,Very sore breasts , cysts, I also had a lump removed from my left breast on October 11th 2007, but I didn't know until recently that it was most likely caused by  Mirena.  Some of the other problems I had, My stomach bloated, I look like I'm six months pregnant ,I have a cyst on my left ovary , dry skin , acne ,strange depression , which I have Never had before in my life , headaches ,and the Worst of all I had to have my Thyroids REMOVED on 1st Nov 2006 and I'm pretty sure that was caused by Mirena as well, so now I have to take thyroid Medication for the rest of my life , I had the Mirena removed as soon as I done some searching on the internet for my unexplained medical  problems, mainly my weight as I had weighed about the same my whole adult life (never had a problem with weight)and now I had put on a few stone and now I have to try and lose it , as for my thyroid I have trouble getting the Meds right its a real pain , blood tests all the time. I just don't feel I have much left in my life, depressed ,sick all the time.

    I eat well as I have high cholesterol(hereditary not from my diet) so its not that I over ate, I noticed you do feel a lot more like eating sweet things. I found a site called www.curezone.com and found out there are thousands of woman , girls with the same problems as myself and that there is a class action law suit going on to Sue. Its worth having a look at this site it helped me a lot. I feel so bad I don't go out much anymore I don't see friends or family, I'm to depressed about my weight now. I am in the process of trying to find out if there is a Class Action Law Suit in Australia. If anyone knows of a Class Action in Australia could they Please let me know.

    After having the Mirena removed I thought I was doing ok only a bit of spotting,but about 3 weeks after having it removed I got my period and the pain was unbearable, I  was in agony stomach cramps and I bleed so much I thought I was going to die from blood loss, also the scariest was the huge blood clots, very scary, must of been four years of period in 1 week, I couldn't believe how bad it was, I felt really sick and weak, but thank goodness its eased off now after a week.

    I just hope now I might slowly start and feel like my old self.

    I'm also on medication for heart palpatations , thanks to Mirena , I get Heart palpitations (SVT) a few times a week, it was under control with NO medication, but it got worse the last couple of years I had Mirena and I didn't know it was Mirena making it worse until recently.

    I had my heart palpitations just after my thyroid removal op and was put on ECG and my heart rate was 176 Beats per Minute  I was rushed to Intensive Care and  I had to have an injection called Impending Doom (It makes you feel you are going to die) to slow my heart rate, it worked and I was kept in intensive car for 3 days , very scary thing to go through I hope I never have to go through that again , and now I also take Magnesium to help control them as well as Metoprolol which I have been on for some years and I recently read that if you are on Mirena you shouldn’t take Metoprolol, it increases the side effects of Metoprolol.

    So if you have had any bad experiences with Mirena please let us know, it will help others with their problems, hopefully.

     I just wish I never got Mirena and my advice is DONT its not Worth the risk, if the Doctors had of told me about the BAD side effects I would NEVER of had it put in. Sorry about going on so long, All the best to you all,

    Thanks, Net. 


    I started a help site for Mirena side effects…





    Well I'm waiting for hysterectomy any day now. , I'm hoping that will sort out the hormonal problems and the extreme heavy periods.


    I am going to Melbourne Friday 29th Jan to see Heart specialist and organize operation to fix my heart palpitations as I also have VPC's

    'Im a bit worried but if it fixes it, it will be worth it.

    Well I went to the heart specialist,I am now waiting for surgery to fix it anyday.

    24th Feb 2010

    I am Going into hospital this Friday 26th Feb 2010 for my hystorectomy.

    Well Im home,had my  hysterectomy and Im starting to feel better today,had my external stitches removed this afternoon.

    Im glad its nearly all over.

    Now I just have to wait for my heart op any day from now on.


       *29th March....

    I am having my usual allergy to internal stitches,damb its such an annoyance I have to keep taking antibiotics.















         Please Sign the NEW

      Mirena Awareness Petition

        sent to us by MamaJ    

            The link is below


  Please sign the new Mirena Awareness Petition #2


And also read Forum letters from Women that have had Problems.


   One of the pages has a story with

                 Very Graphic

Pictures of Surgery to Remove Mirena,

dont look if you have a sensative Stomach.

The link below is to the GRAPHIC Video of laparoscopic removal of mirena in utero.






This site is for Women who have had Side effects From Mirena,or are thinking about getting Mirena to tell there stories and what has happened to them so that it might help others deal with their problems with Mirena.

We dont want to scare anyone

we just want you to know the possible side effects.


Please note - some side effects for Mirena may not be reported. Always consult your doctor or healthcare specialist for medical advice.

Report side effects below.


 or 1-800-FDA-1088 (1-800-332-1088).

 Thankyou for Dropping in,I hope the site has helped.



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