Medical Malpractice - mirena IUD problem

Expert: Edward A. Smith - 8/15/2008

My wife just recently had a baby 5 months ago.  We plan on having another child so we chose the mirena IUD for her so that we could have it removed in a couple of years and then concieve another child.  After she had it put in at the doctors office she was scheduled to come back a month later to make sure it was in place.  They discovered that the strings were missing and we were told that it would have to be removed.  They attempted to remove it a the office but were unsuccessful.  The doctor then scheduled her to go to the hospital for a hyesteoscopy.  After trying for more than an hour the doctors came out and said that it was severyly embedded in the uterus wall and could not be removed.  We are basically being given a choice of leaving the IUD in indefinitely or in the doctors words having major surgery to remove it.  This surgery was described as being a partial hysterectomy. Either choice leaves my wife infertile and denies us the opprotunity to have another child.  I am trying to keep the emotion out of this email and just give you the facts, but we are extrememly upset with our current options.  What should we do next?

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I have no direct experience in this area, but did note that some folks over at the following web address arre having similar problems and looking to hire an attorney.

Your best bet would likely be to go there for help. (my old site)

Act quickly as there are typically very short time limits in which to file suit.

Good Luck,

Ed Smith
Sacramento, Ca
